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Fire emergency light

Fire emergency light

Aug 03,2022
Fire emergency light
Suitable for fire emergency lighting, is the most common kind of lighting tools in fire emergency, long emergency time, high brightness with automatic emergency function of power failure.Fire emergency light has small power consumption.High brightness.It is designed with power switch and finger light on the side, suitable for factories.Hotel.School.Units and other public places in case of power failure for emergency lighting.

Fire emergency light installation specification

A. Fire emergency lighting installation location and height: double-headed fire emergency lighting should be installed in the fire evacuation channel or safety escape exit above the corner of the stairs from the ground about 2.2 meters, longer distance evacuation channel should also be installed in accordance with the guidance of the fire department, or according to the actual use of emergency lighting in the place of light brightness to the appropriate density of cloth lights reasonable.Emergency lighting can also be installed on top of the column (e.g.: electronic city.Shopping mall.B. Fire evacuation lights (safety exit) installation location and height: fire emergency evacuation lights, should be installed according to the type of lamps and lanterns and the actual situation of the place of use; general factories.Inside the workshop, it is often seen that the fire emergency indicator is directly installed in the form of wall-mounted above the entrance/exit door, or on the wall.Pillar and other parts (this emergency evacuation lamps and lanterns refers to the single-sided fire emergency sign series), fire evacuation lights should not generally exceed 20 meters / unit, the space is larger.Safety protection level is high or the area of relatively dense flow of people, should be appropriate to increase the density of cloth lights; double-sided fire emergency evacuation indicator more to hang.The fire emergency evacuation lights are mostly installed in the form of hanging chains or special lifting trolley accessories;

Fire emergency light price

Sanchuan brand fire emergency light 301A65 yuan chint fire emergency light .Lighting.NEY-215200 yuan 3C certification★ Fire emergency light QL-93070 yuan

Fire emergency light principle

When the AC power supply is normal, one circuit lights the light source, and the other circuit continuously charges the NiCd battery pack with a small current through the charging circuit, when the AC power supply stops for some reason, the control circuit automatically turns on the inverter circuit to turn the DC power or turn the DC into high-frequency high-voltage alternating current, cut off the original circuit and turn into the emergency lighting state, once the AC power is restored, the control circuit automatically switches to the normal situation, and at the same timecharging circuit continues to re-charge the battery pack.

Fire emergency light brands

1. minhua2. hengsheng3. zhenhui4. akot akt5. qihui6. light world67. shinelong8. sanxiong.australia 9.australia 10.

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