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Home electric kettle repair methods Do you know how to maintain it?

Home electric kettle repair methods Do you know how to maintain it?

Jul 29,2022
Home electric kettle repair methods Do you know how to maintain it?
The electric kettle is an indispensable part of life nowadays, and its convenience provides a great convenience to our life.

home electric kettle repair method electric kettle maintenance tips

The electric kettle is an indispensable part of life nowadays, and its convenience provides a great convenience to our life.However, because of the electric kettle often work in high temperature state, the use of inevitably will happen moisture.Splash water, and even fall and other phenomena, so from time to time there will be some failure.Today, I will introduce you to the home electric kettle repair methods and maintenance skills related to the content.
Electric kettle mainly by the body .Power connector.Heater.Steam induction controller and anti-dry burn thermostat and other components, the body of the kettle and power split structure, boiling water when the power is connected, the water boils automatically power off, safe operation.Using high-power heating, heating speed, boiling a pot of water only 4-5 minutes, with automatic temperature control, automatic power off after the water boiling function, and set the anti-dry-burn.Over-temperature double protection.
Electric kettle maintenance methods
1. Electric kettle power on, the indicator light does not light maintenance methods.
This condition is generally the power supply does not participate in the formation of the electric heater circuit.Inspection can first use the multimeter R × 10 file to measure the resistance of the 3-core plug L.N ends on the base power cord.
When normal, the resistance is ∞ when the reset switch is not pressed, and the resistance value corresponding to the 1500W electric kettle is about 32Ω when the button is pressed.If the resistance value is still ∞ after pressing the button, the heating tube circuit is not working.
At this point, you can then measure the resistance of both ends of the pot 3 core plug N.L, the normal value as above.If the actual test results show normal, indicating that the base of the electric kettle has a problem, which should check the power cord and the base socket connection is not a break or poor touch, the base layout is relatively simple, usually soon find the fault location.
If the actual resistance is still ∞, clarify the fault in the kettle circuit, should be disassembled handle cover components, etc. for maintenance.Focus on the power (reset) switch and insulation switch.Available multimeter R × 1 gear to view the switch action and contact on-off condition.
If it is found that the contact is not good, you can check the temperature-sensitive piece of tongue bending point of view and the switch connecting rod orientation is not normal.If the switch action is normal and its contacts can not be connected, clarify the switch reed or contact damage, you can disassemble the switch box for maintenance.
2. If the power switch is normal, the problem occurs mostly in the insulation switch
If the bimetal is normal, the switch should be disassembled and the contacts and reeds of the insulation switch repaired.
Electric kettle daily maintenance work points
1. To extend the service life of the electric kettle, the mineral deposits inside the kettle should be cleaned regularly.
2. When cleaning, be sure to disconnect the electric kettle thermostat from the power supply first.
3. Do not soak the base of the electric kettle.
4. Pour a 1:2 mixture of vinegar and water into the kettle, then turn on the power, let the kettle work and wait for it to jump off automatically.
5. Let the mixture keep in the electric kettle for 24 hours then pour the mixture off and fill it with water to a certain point and work again.
6. Pouring off this water will take away the scale and vinegar essence, finally clean the inside of the electric kettle with water, repeat the above operation if necessary.
7. During the use of the electric kettle, if a fault occurs, the kettle should be taken out of the heating degree sump, pour off the water in the kettle and then allow it to cool to room temperature before fault detection or cleaning.
8. When using an electric kettle to boil water, the water injected into the pot should be at least above the highest surface of the heater, but not more than the maximum water line; use must first fill the water, after the electricity, do not first power, after the water; in addition, do not use the kettle to cook with acid.Alkali.Salt ingredients, so as not to corrode the body of the kettle and heaters.
9. electric kettle when not in use, try to choose a dry place to store, in the process of boiling water kettle must be watched, and placed in a place out of reach of children; electric kettle from its heating socket before removing, to ensure that the power is disconnected.
10. Electric kettles use an electric heater to heat water.The heating part of the electric tube is inside the pot, while its conductive device is placed outside the pot, and the two are connected with bolts, all relying on the rubber ring between the pad of the electric tube and the pot body to complete the seal and release the leak.Although this seal rubber ring has more than 100 ℃ high temperature resistance, but because the electric kettle work in a high-temperature state, the use of time, the rubber ring will be aging loss of elasticity, resulting in the pot of water leaking outward, the formation of electric kettle mylar socket carbonization.Short circuit.Kettle body metal melt.Stable fuse melted and other kinds of failure.
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