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How to connect a laptop to a projector

How to connect a laptop to a projector

Oct 27,2022
How to connect a laptop to a projector
A projector is a device that can project images or videos onto a curtain, and can be connected to a computer, VCD, DVD, BD, game console, DV, etc. through different interfaces to play the corresponding video signal.So how to connect a laptop to a projector?Let's take a look at the next step.
How to connect a laptop to a projector

step by step

1. After shutting down, the projector can not immediately disconnect the power, because the temperature inside the machine is still very high, its cooling system is still working, immediately cut off the power will make the heat can not be dissipated and damage to the machine.So when shutting down the projector, turn off the projector first, and then turn off the main power switch after the cooling fan has stopped for 5 minutes.
2. Avoid using the projector for a long time.The projector can not always be on, for DLP projector, 4 hours of continuous use, need to shut down rest more than 30 minutes.In addition, the projector's on.The shutdown operation should not be too frequent, which can easily cause the projector bulb to blow up or damage the internal electrical components.
Avoid strong vibrations, which can cause displacement of the projector's LCD sheet and affect the convergence of the three LCDs during projection, resulting in RGB color non-convergence.Vibration may also cause the lens in the optical system.The reflector is deformed or damaged, which affects the image projection effect when the projector works normally.
4. zoom lens in the impact going on track damage, resulting in lens jamming, or even lens rupture can not be used.Also pay attention to dust control and ventilation, dust control in the projector use environment is very important, in general, divided into clean lens .Clean filters and optical path dust removal three aspects.

How to connect a laptop to a projector step by step

5. We can drag the upper and lower cursors on the right to choose the right projector resolution.Generally projector resolution choose 1024*768 and 800*600 these two, display the best effect.
6. switch the laptop signal to the projector, the laptop will generally have a special key combination to switch the computer signal to the external device, this key combination is usually Fn F1F12 in one of the keys.
7. To operate, first press and hold the Fn key on the laptop, then press the F3 key (Lenovo laptops), after you get to this step, there will be three display modes between the laptop and the projector.
8. The first of these is that the projector displays and the laptop does not.The second one is that the projector is not displayed and the laptop is displayed.The third one is the projector is displayed and the laptop is displayed.All three modes are switched to each other by using Fn and F3 keys, here mainly in the case of Lenovo laptops.

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