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How to fix your nails properly

How to fix your nails properly

Oct 25,2022
How to fix your nails properly
It is said that you can tell if a woman is sexy or not by her fingers, and since the beauty of your fingers is so important, you should naturally fix them properly.But the nails are too long and easily hide dirt, so many MMs are used to cutting their nails along the lines of the nails, but does it really look good to cut them in such a simple and rough way?What else do you need to do after a manicure so that your nails don't break easily?The next step is to see the right way to open your nails.

How to take care of your nails after a manicure

Beautiful.The first thing you need to do is to take care of your nails, which is not as simple as a manicure.So what is the right way to take care of your nails after a manicure?Let's find out!
1. Protect your nails with moisturizing lotion.You need to apply a lotion every day, containing urea.The best lotion is one that contains urea, phospholipids or lactic acid, which can prevent nail breakage.
2. Apply colorless nail polish first when you apply color.If you have a manicure, you may want to put a layer of colorless polish on your fingers first, as it will prevent the pigments in the polish from being deposited on the nail surface.
3. Wash your hands gently.After a manicure, the nails and surrounding skin are very fragile, so wash your hands as gently as possible to avoid scraping other hard objects to the nails.
The nail maintenance is very important, when you have time in the hands and nails at the root of the epidermis smeared with almond oil conditioning solution, and then wrapped in a plastic bag, wrapped in a hot towel for 15 minutes, hands and nails are nourished.
5. Diet with protein.This is a long-term care, usually eat more beans, seeds, nuts, eggs or meat, your nails will be more and more bright and healthy.

Do you need to trim your nails often?

Some MMs may not tolerate the disadvantage of long nails hiding dirt and therefore manicure their nails very often.The answer is no.
The answer is no, because frequent manicures can lead to grey nails!Grey nails are caused by fungal infections and are contagious, while MM in the process of frequent manicure, cut.The nail damage and indirect infection of the fungus can be caused by frequent manicures.If you have a manicure and then a manicure, many of the chemicals you are exposed to will make your nails more and more fragile.
In addition, MM nails have a substance like tooth surface enamel, which protects the nail from corrosion, and manicure in order to make the nail more smooth, usually rub off the surface layer of the nail, then the finger will lose a protective layer, no resistance to acidic or alkaline substances corrosion.
So, although manicure is good for hand cleaning, but if it is not particularly long, it is best to trim it often oh.

What tools to use for manicure

The tools for manicure are often very systematic, MM just buy a nail kit, which has all kinds of manicure tools!So what kinds of tools are most commonly used when manicuring?Let's find out!
1. nail file.Nail files have grinding files and polishing files, the use of the first coarse grinding file to repair the nail out of the basic shape, and then polished smooth with a fine polishing file.
2. Dead skin scissors.Dead skin scissors are used to cut off the dead skin on both sides of the nail, a bit like pliers.You may want to soak your fingers in warm water for 5 minutes before using them, so it's easier to cut.
3. Small scissors.Scissors are the simplest manicure tool, so here's not much to say!
4. Nail clippers.This is the most commonly used tool for trimming nails, when trimming nails you need to break the top handle, reverse it, and then use your thumb to press the handle to trim the nails.

There are several ways to trim nails

A beautiful nail can quickly attract the eyes of the opposite sex, and usually in front of the public to extend the delicate fingers also feel twice as dignified, so which shape of nail manicure looks good?How should I trim them?These are the best ways to trim your nails, so hurry up and get them!
1. oval nails.The oval nail is very elegant, it is trimmed from the middle to both sides from wide to narrow, in order to get the perfect oval nail, pay attention to the two sides of the tilt and corner round angle to keep consistent Oh.
2. Square nails.Square nails in the romantic French hair into fashion, square nail repair method is to cut the fingertips into a line, and with the nail edge to maintain a vertical angle, and then the two sides slightly rounded.
3. Between the oval and square nails.This nail combines the elegance of an oval nail with the strength of a square nail, and is the right shape for most MMs.
4. Pointed nails.Pointed nails are very fashionable in Eastern Europe and Asia, and LadyGaga often wears this nail shape.The nail is trimmed very thin in the middle and rounded at the ends.
5. Round nails.Round nails look a bit conservative, but there are still a lot of people who love this small manicure.All you have to do is cut off the excess nail and round off each corner and you're good to go!

How to fix nails

A beautiful, feminine finger is very feminine, especially when the nails are bright and appealing.The first thing you need to do is to look at the shape of your fingers, and the shape of your nails is the best!Here to see how the correct way when manicure nails.
You should wash your hands before the manicure to avoid bacteria contaminating the delicate skin underneath the nails; when you start a manicure, you should first cut the middle and then the ends, because it will be easier to grasp the length of the manicure and avoid cutting the edges too deep; the manicured nails may leave some sharp corners, and these sharp corners should be trimmed smooth again, otherwise it is easy to hook the fine threads of sweaters and so on; in addition, when manicuring nails, you should also pay attention toThe corners on both sides should not be cut too deeply, otherwise the newly grown nails are most likely to be embedded in the soft tissue and cause septic infection of the subcutaneous tissue!You should also take advantage of the best time to trim your nails, usually when they are soft after a bath, and the length of the trim to be invisible when your palms are up.
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