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How to make a pizza pie

How to make a pizza pie

Oct 12,2022
How to make a pizza pie
Many people see a lot of things on a pizza and think that pizza pie must be harder to make, but it's actually kind of hard.It's also okay, people can make decent pizza pies after a few more attempts, and we suggest that you can start with something easier and make smaller ones first to avoid wasting too many ingredients.

How to make homemade pizza pie

IngredientsPrepare 130g of high flour, almonds, cranberries, raisins, yeast powder, cheese, salt, tomato paste, olive oil, water, sugar to taste.
Step 1: Put the flour, yeast and salt into the bread machine, add the sugar, olive oil and water and leave it to knead and rise automatically.
2. Once the dough has risen, roll it out into a loaf, fork some holes, brush with tomato sauce, sprinkle with cheese and bake in a preheated 180 degree oven for 10 minutes.
Remove from oven and bake for 5 minutes with almonds, raisins and cranberries, then sprinkle with powdered sugar, cut and serve.
Tips nuts, dried fruit is supposed to be eaten directly so to put after, you can also put some of the rest of the dried nuts and fruit.

How to make traditional pizza pie

IngredientsPrepare the right amount of self-rising flour, onion, green and red pepper, bacon, mushrooms, diced beef, milk, eggs, salt, honey, pizza sauce, basil leaves, black pepper, cheese.
Step 1: Place 200g of self-rising flour in a bread machine, add the eggs and salt, 100ml of milk and honey and leave it to rise automatically.
2. chop all the side dishes such as onion, peppers and bacon freely and set aside, slice the mushrooms and fry them.
3. roll out the pasta into a round cake and place on a baking tray lined with tin foil, brushing the butter around the cake and the pizza sauce in the middle.
4. Then spread a layer of cheese, put all the side dishes, sprinkle with coarse black pepper, basil powder, pizza powder, bake in a 200 degree oven for 15 minutes.
Tip The pizza topping is quite mixed, put whatever you like on it.

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