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How to make broccoli delicious

How to make broccoli delicious

Jul 30,2022

Broccoli is a 2012 herb, native to the eastern Mediterranean coastal areas, China has a small amount of cultivation, mainly for Western cuisine.Broccoli is rich in nutrition, containing protein.Sugar.Fat.

Note on broccoli consumption

Broccoli is rich in nutrients, but there are often residual pesticides, but also easy to produce vegetable worms, so before eating, you can put the cauliflower in salt water for a few minutes, the vegetable worms will run out, and can help remove residual pesticides.
2. The color of broccoli will become more vibrant after cooking, but it is important to note that when blanching broccoli, the time should not be too long, otherwise it will lose its crispness and the mix will be greatly reduced.
3. After blanching broccoli, it should be cooled in cool boiling water and taken out to drain the water before use. Boiling and salting time should not be too long in order not to lose and destroy the nutrients that prevent and fight cancer.
4. Chew it several times when eating, so that it is more conducive to the absorption of nutrients.
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How to Make Broccoli: Assorted Broccoli

Ingredients needed Broccoli.Cauliflower.Carrots.Red pepper.Seasoning: chicken essence.Starch.Salad oil.
Preparation 1. Cut the broccoli.Cut the cauliflower into small pieces, peel and slice the carrot, remove the seeds from the red pepper and cut into pieces.
2. Blanch all the vegetables in warm water.
Add a little oil to the pan and stir-fry all the ingredients.Season with the right amount of salt and chicken seasoning, then thicken with cornstarch again.

How to Make Broccoli: Stir-fried Shrimp with Broccoli

Ingredients needed 1 broccoli, 100g shrimp, 1/2 clove minced garlic, 1 red pepper, 1 tbsp salad oil, 1 tbsp wine, salt to taste.
Add a pinch of salt to a pot of boiling water, blanch the broccoli, then run it under cold water and drain.
2. Remove the seeds from the red pepper, chop it coarsely and set aside.
3. Put the salad oil and minced garlic in a pan and sizzle over low heat.Add the red pepper and shrimp and stir-fry over medium heat. When the shrimp turn brown, drizzle with a little wine, add the broccoli and stir-fry quickly over high heat.

How to Make Broccoli: Broccoli Spaghetti

Ingredients needed 1 plant of broccoli with ham and meat 100g pasta 300g eggs 2 cheese powder 5 tbsp ice cream powder 1/2 cup.
Preparation 1. Put the eggs .Cheese powder .Mix the ice cream mix well.
2. Cut the broccoli into bite size pieces and cook them, add a little salt to the hot water and cook the pasta.
3. Add a little oil and cook the ham and meat.Broccoli.Stir fry the pasta together slightly.
4. Add the stir-fried pasta to the ① method and mix well.

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