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How to make cold enoki mushrooms at home

How to make cold enoki mushrooms at home

Oct 27,2022
How to make cold enoki mushrooms at home
Cold enoki mushrooms are very easy to make at home, it is smooth, crisp and tasty.This dish is especially good for summer and is especially enjoyable to eat in big bites.You can mix up a big plate of cold enoki mushrooms every time you make it and keep the ones you can't finish fresh in the fridge, which is very convenient.There are many different ways to make cold enoki mushrooms, and you can add different ingredients to make them taste great.Here's a list of how to make cold enoki mushrooms!

Home-made method of assorted cold enoki mushrooms

Ingredients Prepare 200 grams of spinach, 180 grams of enoki mushrooms.50g of colored pepper, a little minced garlic.Salt 3 grams, chicken powder, 8 ml of vinegar, sesame oil.Edible oil in appropriate amount each.
Method Step 1. Wash the ingredients, remove the roots of enoki mushrooms, cut the spinach into sections; cut the colored pepper into thick shreds.
2. Fill the pot with water and boil, add a little cooking oil.Salt, pour in the spinach, cook until the ingredients are cooked and soft, then remove and drain; then pour in the enoki mushrooms.Cook until the ingredients are cooked and tender, then remove and drain.
3. Take a clean bowl, pour in the blanched spinach, add the enoki mushrooms and shredded peppers, sprinkle with garlic, add a pinch of salt.Add the chicken powder, drizzle in the vinegar, drizzle on a little sesame oil and stir until the ingredients are tasty.
Tip: Enoki mushrooms contain a full range of essential amino acids, including lysine and arginine, and have a high zinc content, which is important for height growth.Enhance intelligence, especially for children's height and intellectual development has a good effect, known as the increase of intelligence mushrooms.

Cucumber with enoki mushrooms in a home-made way

IngredientsPrepare 200g of enoki mushrooms, 1 cucumber, prosciutto.Carrots in appropriate amounts.Mustard.Soy sauce.Salt.Sugar each moderate amount.
Method Step 1: Cucumber.Wash the carrots separately and shred them together with the prosciutto; cut off the roots of the enoki mushrooms, wash them, drain and set aside.
2. Shredded carrot.Boil the enoki mushrooms together in boiling water for 30 seconds, remove and strain the water.
3. Combine all the ingredients and mix well to form a sauce.
4. Combine all ingredients, drizzle with dressing, and mix well.
Tips 1. Remove the old roots from the enoki mushrooms, otherwise it will affect the taste.
Raw enoki mushrooms contain colchicine, which is easily oxidized and produces toxic dicoccicine, a strong irritant to the gastrointestinal and respiratory mucous membranes.

Home cooking method of cold enoki mushroom

Ingredients Prepare 150 g of enoki mushrooms, cucumber .50g each of red pepper, salt .White sugar.Vinegar.MSG, minced garlic.Minced ginger.Shredded onion each appropriate amount.
Method Step 1. Remove the roots of enoki mushrooms, wash them, blanch them in a pot of boiling water and drain them.
2. Wash the cucumber, cut into shreds; red pepper to remove the tip.Seeds, wash, cut into julienne strips.
3. Salt.White sugar.Vinegar.Monosodium glutamate.Minced garlic, minced ginger with a little cool boiling water to make a flavor sauce.
4. Put the enoki mushrooms.Shredded cucumber.Shredded red pepper.Put the shredded green onion into the pot, pour in the flavor sauce and mix well.
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