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How to make pearl milk tea

How to make pearl milk tea

Oct 25,2022
How to make pearl milk tea
Pearl milk tea, I think most people should have had it, was all the rage and is still more popular, belonging to some milk tea shop classics.Pearl milk tea is made with an extra pearl step than regular milk tea, and here the pearl Q is exactly its best feature.

Easy pearl milk tea practice

1. the pearls should be boiled in water before they are put through, otherwise they may turn into powder.
2. it is best to use tea bags to make the milk tea, otherwise you will need to strain it through a strainer or gauze.
3. If you want Q-tip pearls it is best to use the purchased ones, the ones you make yourself are generally less Q-tip.

How to make pearl milk tea

Ingredients prepare pearl round, milk, tea bags, sugar, water.
Method Step 1. boil the pearls in five times the boiling water for 20 minutes, simmer for 15 minutes, then soak in cool water for a while.
2. soak tea bags in milk with boiling water in the ratio of 1:3.
3. add pearls and sugar after steeping and you are done.
Tips tea bags are not necessarily the choice.Black tea, black tea are available.

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