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Microwave Baked Sweet Potatoes

Microwave Baked Sweet Potatoes

Oct 12,2022
Microwave Baked Sweet Potatoes
Roasted sweet potatoes are believed to be eaten by many people, but they are usually roasted sweet potatoes outside.Microwave oven baked sweet potatoes is a more convenient method at home, this is much more convenient than outside with pulling and selling the kind of iron bucket baked sweet potatoes, and much safer and more hygienic.

Microwave oven baked sweet potatoes: advanced

The first is to choose the right sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes can not be too big, a small head of sweet potatoes easy to cook, too big may be outside scorched inside uncooked.Then is the choice of red heart tastes better, if it will hit dry, you can use kitchen paper to wet wrap the sweet potatoes.In addition, the microwave oven at home may have different power leading to the different time needed to play, grasp the bad can be two minutes and two minutes to play, that is, every two minutes out to take a look and turn over.

Microwave oven baked sweet potatoes: basic

Ingredients to prepare sweet potatoes, kitchen paper or double layer of paper.
Method steps 1. wash the sweet potatoes and wrap them tightly in paper.
2. then place in the microwave oven on high for 3 minutes.
3. Turn them over and cook on high for 2 minutes.
Tips medicine with clean and non-toxic paper, you can not use books and newspapers, there is ink on it.

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