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Stir-fried Vegetarian Dishes

Stir-fried Vegetarian Dishes

Oct 27,2022
Stir-fried Vegetarian Dishes
The dishes on the table can generally be divided into vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes, and today we will introduce a few vegetarian dishes, or stir-fry dishes among vegetarian dishes.Although there are many stir-fried vegetarian dishes, but we often eat the same ones, the following we will look at a few of the more frequent vegetarian dishes on the table practice.

Stir-fried Vegetarian Dishes: Stir-fried Mullet

Ingredients prepare 1 block of tofu, a little dried fungus, red pepper, 2 garlic cloves, a little ginger, 13 spices, a little salt, soy sauce, a little chicken essence.
Method steps 1. cut the tofu into thick pieces and soak the dried fungus in warm water.
2. frying pan with a little oil into the tofu, fry on low heat, golden brown on both sides and take out for use.
3. cut the soaked fungus into small pieces, sliced persimmon pepper, minced garlic, sliced ginger, a little oil in a frying pan.
4. heat the oil and stir-fry the minced garlic, ginger and persimmon pepper, stir-fry the fungus for 1 minute.
5. then add the fried tofu and stir-fry, add thirteen spices, soy sauce, salt, chicken seasoning and stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat and remove from the pan.

Stir-fried Vegetables: Braised Eggplant

IngredientsPrepare the right amount of eggplant, garlic, soy sauce, salt, cilantro, a little sugar.
Method Step 1. wash and chop the garlic into a melt and add sugar to the bowl.
2. soy sauce, garlic, water to mix into a sauce, eggplant washed and set aside.
3. eggplant cut hobnobs, add a little salt to blend, add a little cilantro cut.
4. a little oil in a pan, add the eggplant and fry until golden, a little cornstarch in a bowl and mix well.
5. Pour into the eggplant red stir-fry evenly, add garlic, cilantro out of the pan can be.

Stir-fried vegetarian dishes: fried green pepper

Ingredients prepare mung bean sprouts moderate amount, green pepper, scallions, small onions, ginger, red pepper, oil salt, vinegar, chicken essence moderate amount.
Method Step 1. rinse the mung bean sprouts, wash and cut the cilantro into strips for use.
2. shred the green pepper, shred the scallions and ginger, and shred the dried chillies.
3. put a little oil in a pan, pour in the shredded ginger, green onion, and stir-fry until browned.
4. then add the red chillies and stir fry, followed by the mung bean sprouts and a little vinegar.
5. Then add the shredded green pepper, cilantro, salt, and a little chicken seasoning when almost out of the pot.

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