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The seven most common problems with car blast film

The seven most common problems with car blast film

Jul 29,2022
The seven most common problems with car blast film
In recent years, the quality of automotive blast film is uneven, and there will be a variety of problems, for these problems after the film, I asked experts in this area, please ask them to analyze these problems, to give new car owners in the purchase of blast film to make some professional reminders, so that we can spend the hot summer.

The seven most common problems with blast-proof films

In recent years, the quality of automotive blast film is uneven, and there will be a variety of problems, for these problems after the film, I asked experts in this area, please ask them to analyze these problems, to give new car owners in the purchase of blast film to make some professional reminders, so that we can spend the summer without fear.The main problems with blast-proof films are as follows.
Symptom one.Side window corners will wrinkle after film application
Specific performance: within a short period of time after the film is applied, the side windows are found to have wrinkled corners.Reason: One is the quality of the blast film itself, the second is in the construction process of the process is not good.Expert tip: If the film quality is not good, it may be the case that the shop is giving away a bad quality blast film.
Symptom 2.Not much insulation and hot glass
Specific performance: Under direct sunlight, the heat insulation effect is not good.After turning on the air conditioner, it is still hot, and the glass is hot.Reason: The main problem is the quality of the film.Expert Tip: Heat insulation is one of the main functions of explosion-proof film.A better quality film will generally reflect and absorb both.In contrast, poor quality film will take a lot of absorbents to save cost, so that the heat will be absorbed on the glass, causing the car to be hot and the glass surface to feel hot.It is worth noting that this kind of film absorbs heat and can even cause the glass to explode after a long time.Therefore, when car owners are shopping, they must understand clearly which type of heat absorption is offered by the other party.
Symptom three.Dizziness when looking out of the window from inside the car
Reason: It is likely that the kind of poor quality tinted film was chosen to cause this phenomenon that affects vision.Expert Tip: The clarity of the film is mainly related to the manufacturing process of the film and the adhesive used.Currently on the market, the clarity of dyed film is the lowest, followed by evaporative coating, and the better clarity is metal sputtering film.Therefore, when choosing a film, be sure to carefully identify, reflective film is usually too strong quality is not ideal.
Symptom 4.Discoloration of the film.Blistering or color mottling
Cause: In cases like this, a large part of the film is a dyed film that has been applied to resist.This type of film is not visible for a short period of time.However, over time, when exposed to sunlight, the photosynthetic and thermal effects will easily decompose.Aging.Discoloration.Blistering.In addition, it is also easy to refract light, which is the driver's visual fatigue.What's more, the plastic dye film also contains formaldehyde.Benzene and other harmful substances to the owner's health and impact.Expert tip: It is recommended to buy and construct the film in the regular authorized stores of major blast film brands.
Symptom five.Glass side of the film automatically warped
Specific performance: a few days after the film, the glass side of the warped.Reason: mainly due to construction.Because some models of glass surface is too large, in the construction if not pay attention to, will cause the film will turn up after a few days; at the same time, because the glass surface is too large, the intended edge may still have bubbles, will also be completed a few days, the phenomenon of buckling.Expert tips: for this situation, construction matters with a soft cloth to the outer edge of the squeeze, you can prevent a few days after the buckling; at the same time, if you use the tempered plate scraping heated to close the lamination bubble, the effect will be more ideal.
Symptom six.Original car glass burst
Specific performance: a week after the film, the original car glass burst phenomenon.Reason: Either the construction technology did not master the method, or the quality of the glass itself has problems.Expert tips: individual models of glass, because the surface is too large, the film technology requirements are also high.Therefore, if the construction technology is not good, it is possible to cause the glass to burst when the temperature difference between inside and outside is too large.If the construction has adopted the correct method, the glass still burst, it is the quality of the glass itself.
Symptom 7.The original car remote control does not work after the film
Specific performance: After the film is applied, when the car door is closed that night, the original car's remote control is found to be out of order and the door cannot be locked.Reason: In theory, after the film is applied to the vehicle, it will not affect the normal work of the original car controller.However, according to the owner's projection, this phenomenon usually occurs only after the film is applied, and it is estimated that the problem occurs during construction.If the original controller is disassembled and water droplets are found inside, then, to a large extent, it is the film that causes the malfunction due to careless construction.Expert tip: This shows the importance of standard construction.Therefore, the other side of the construction environment, how, is also the car owners need to focus on the consideration.
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