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What is the most effective treatment for foot fungus Choose the right treatment

What is the most effective treatment for foot fungus Choose the right treatment

Jul 30,2022
What is the most effective treatment for foot fungus Choose the right treatment
What is the most effective cure for foot fungus?Foot odor is a skin disease caused by fungus, which is highly infectious. If someone in a family suffers from foot odor, you may be infected if you accidentally wear her shoes, so it is urgent to cure foot odor in time.If you want to cure foot odor, you have to choose the right treatment method, there are several most effective methods to cure foot odor, such as herbal treatment method.Acupuncture treatment method and so on.The next step is to introduce the most effective way to cure foot odor.

How to cure foot odor the most effective Choose the right treatment method

The most effective way to cure foot odor one: home remedies
(1) There is erosion between the toes .Ooze, can not be used externally irritating medicine, and can not immediately use cream or ointment, should first make the wound astringent dry and then use medicine.You can use 1:8000 potassium permanganate solution (take its powder and dissolve it in warm water until the water is light pink, the color should not be too dark, the concentration is too high but will corrode the skin) wet compress, and then apply oil or powder externally, and then switch to creams or ointments such as meconium after the skin is dry.
(2) If the skin keratinization thickening is serious, antifungal drugs are difficult to penetrate and absorb, you can first use 10% salicylic acid ointment or compound benzoic acid ointment etc. to soften the keratin, and then use antifungal drugs.If the skin is obviously dry and cracked, you can soak in warm water each time to soften the keratin, and then use antifungal drugs.If the skin is obviously dry and cracked, you can apply oil cream locally after soaking in warm water each time, then seal the package with plastic film and wrap a bandage around the outside, remove it after 24 to 48 hours, and then use antifungal medicine.(3) For those who have small blisters on the feet that have not broken, you can soak them in 3% boric acid solution first, and then use antifungal creams such as Mecal.(4) If tinea pedis is combined with bacterial infection, in principle, the local antibacterial infection should be used first.You can use furacilin solution or 1:2000 safranin solution as a wet compress.Another effective method is to soak it with a Chinese herbal decoction.For example, use 30 grams of Amaranthus, 30 grams of raw ground elm, 10 grams of alum, decoction and soak or wet compress for 20 to 30 minutes daily, and then apply antifungal drugs topically after the infection is controlled.For severe infections, oral antibiotics can be taken, such as cephalexin capsules .Medithromycin.Erythromycin, etc.
Method 2: Chinese medicine method
(1) Kulan .Phellodendron .Wu Bei Zi .Squid bones, choose any one of them to grind and spare, wash the foot and sprinkle on the affected area.It is suitable for vesicular type.
(2) Bitter ginseng.White moss bark ` horse chestnut.Plantain 30 grams each, atractylodes.Huangbai 15g each, 1-2 times daily decoction.It has good effect on the blister type or when applied with infection.
(3) 30 grams of white fenugreek flower, 30 grams of soapberry, 15 grams of pepper, any - kind, put into half a catty of vinegar, soak for a day and then soak the feet for 20 minutes every night before going to bed.Continuous treatment for 7 days, has a good effect on the keratinized type.
(4) 30 grams of papaya, 30 grams of licorice.Decoction of the above medicine to obtain juice, Hou warm foot bath for 5-10 minutes, 2 times a day, 1 dose per day for 5-10 days.
(5) Patchouli 30 g, yellow essence.Rhubarb.Soap alum 12 grams each, rice vinegar 1000 ml.Put the above medicine chopped in rice vinegar sealed and soaked for a week; remove the dregs and set aside (shake several times a day while soaking).Take the liquid and soak it 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes each time for 5 days.
(6) 15 grams of cloves, bitter ginseng .Rhubarb .Alum.Groundnut 30 g each, cypress .Ground elm 20 grams each.Decoction of the above medicine to obtain juice, and then the liquid waiting for warmth to wash the feet, 10-15 minutes each time, 5-6 times a day, 1 dose per day, each dose available 2 times.
(7) Pueraria Mirifica, alum.Each equal amount.Dried and powdered, sealed package, each bag weighs about 40 grams, each time take 1 bag of powder poured into a basin, add warm water about 1000-2000 ml, mixed foot bath, 20 minutes each time, 7 days for a course of treatment, 1-2 consecutive courses of treatment.
(8) 40 grams of white fresh peel, bitter ginseng.Huangbai.Atractylodes macrocephala 30 g each, Fangfeng 20 g each, Thornbush.10 grams each of ku alum, snake bed seeds.Phyllanthus.Huangjing.Patchouli 50 grams each, 4 white onions.Boil the above medicine with about 3000 ml of water and soak both feet in the warm liquid for lO-15 minutes, 2 times a day, usually with 4-5 doses of medicine.
The most effective way to cure foot odor three: foot odor acupuncture therapy
1. Acupuncture
The treatment takes the foot Shaoyang.Yangming and Taiyin meridian points are the main points.The needle is used for those who are real; the needle is used for those who are deficient.
Prescription Yanglingquan Foot Sanli Hanging bell Sanyinjiao
With the evidence, the points for foot qi rush to the heart: Ju Que, Neiguan, Qie Men;
Weakness of the spleen and stomach: Spleen Yu and Stomach Yu;
Swollen tarsus and numbness: Bafeng Tai Bai
The formula means that those who are injured by dampness are first affected by it, and the dampness stays in the shins and overflows the skin.San Yin Jiao diodes Yang Ming.Taiyin's dampness; replenish the marrow will extinguish the bones, tendons will Yangling, to nourish the tendons and bones and make the walk light and healthy.For those who have foot qi rushing to the heart, take the heart collection Ju Que, the heart pericardium via Neiguan and Qie Men to calm palpitations and eliminate fullness.Spleen Yu.Stomach Yu, apply tonics to invigorate and transform dampness.Eight winds.Tai Bai is an effective point for treating foot problems. It is diarrhea to make the damp heat drain down and eliminate tarsal swelling.
2. Electric acupuncture
Selected points Feng Shi Foot San Li Fu Hare Hanging Bell
The method is electrified for 10-15 minutes, using sparse or dense waves to stimulate the amount and frequency as tolerated by the patient.Select two pairs of acupuncture points each time, once a day or every other day.
3. Water acupuncture
Selected points Quchi Waiguan Yinlingquan Foot Sanli Hanging bell
Method using vitamin B1100 mg or vitamin B12100 microgram injection, each time to take 2-4 points, each point injected 0.5-l ml, once every other day, 10 times for a course of treatment.
The most effective way to cure foot odor IV: ten online reviews of the most effective way to cure foot odor
1. white radish in addition to foot odor: half a radish cut into slices, put into a pot with the right amount of water, boil for 3 minutes on high heat, turn into the fire cooked for 5 minutes, after the temperature is cool and then wash your feet everywhere, repeatedly are washed several times to help remove foot odor.
2. tender willow leaves for foot odor: prepare a handful of tender willow leaves, and then add water decoction, take the juice to wash feet.
3. salt and ginger water in addition to foot odor: prepare a few slices of ginger, and then put together with the right amount of salt, add water to boil, boil and then cool to the appropriate temperature, and then wash your feet, rub the feet for a few minutes, can play a role in addition to foot odor, but also help relieve foot fatigue.
4. potassium permanganate for foot odor: prepare an appropriate amount of potassium permanganate water, and then use it once a month to soak your feet, you can prevent the recurrence of foot odor.First, prepare half a basin of warm water, then add two grains of potassium permanganate, the water will turn pink, and then soak your feet for 3 to 5 minutes.
5. fig leaves for foot fungus: prepare a few fig leaves, then add water and boil them for about 10 minutes, place the water to the right temperature, then soak your feet twice a day for ten minutes each time, usually for three to five days.
6. white vinegar for foot odor: patients with foot odor disease, you can prepare some white vinegar, take a cotton ball dip coated in the affected area, which helps sterilize and stop itching, there will be a slight peeling symptoms appear.
7. beer for foot odor: beer into the basin, do not add water, will wash both feet and then soak into the beer, about 20 minutes after soaking and then rinse can be, soak 1 to 2 times a week.
8. soybean water for foot odor: prepare 150 grams of soybeans, and then add 1 kilogram of water, use a low fire to boil it for 20 minutes, after boiling, let it cool to the right temperature to take the water to soak feet.This method helps to treat foot disease, can moisturize the foot skin, usually in three or four days of continuous washing can see results.
9. leek treatment foot: prepare 250 grams of leeks, wash and chopped placed in the basin, then add boiling water, wait until the appropriate temperature can soak feet, about half an hour.You can rub your feet while soaking, once a week.
10. earth-mycin in addition to foot odor: first of all, earth-mycin ground into powder, and then directly apply the powder in the toe crevices, each time you use one or two pieces can.
The most effective way to cure foot odor daily prevention of foot odor
1. To keep your feet clean and dry, sweaty feet should be treated.Change shoes and socks regularly. Those who have tight toe seams can use straw paper between them to absorb water and aeration.Shoes should be well ventilated. 2. Do not use other people's slippers .Bath towel .Wipes, etc. Do not walk in the bathhouse .Do not walk in the sewage by the pool.
3. Public bathhouses.Swimming pools should do frequent treatment of sewage, disinfection with bleach or chloramine, to form a system to prevent mutual transmission of foot odor.
4. Prevent foot fungus from being transmitted from shoe cabinets.Shoe cabinets should also be frequently ventilated.If the shoe cabinet cannot be moved, it should be scrubbed regularly with disinfectant solution or put in desiccant to get rid of moisture.
5. Strengthen physical exercise, pay attention to nutrition, and enhance the body's resistance, which also has a certain role in preventing the occurrence of tinea pedis.
6. Insert some spices inside the shoes.Tea leaves.Bamboo charcoal deodorant package to eliminate germs.Odor.
Some people are in trouble once they suffer from foot fungus, it is easy to recur and not easy to cure.It is possible to suffer from foot odor because of uncleanliness.The shoes you wear for a long time are not ventilated.If you do suffer from foot fungus, don't ignore it, it not only affects your image, but also infects your family, so choose the most effective way to cure it and stay away from it.
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