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Authentic Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles Directions

Authentic Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles Directions

Oct 27,2022
Authentic Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles Directions
Hot dry noodles are the most representative snack in Wuhan, but the practice of hot dry noodles is not complicated.Do you want to know how to make authentic Wuhan hot dry noodles?This article will give you a detailed introduction, do it yourself is also able to achieve Oh!Wuhan hot dry noodles need alkaline water noodles, do out of the noodles to authentic to taste!

Wuhan hot dry noodles practice

Ingredients prepare alkaline noodles 150 grams, sesame sauce 40 grams, sesame oil 20 ml, soy sauce 5 ml, sugar 5 grams, garlic 10 grams, salt 2 grams, pepper a little, vinegar 2 ml, cooked peanuts 10 grams, dried spicy radish 10 grams, scallions 5 grams.
Method Step 1. Stir the sesame paste with a little sesame oil to make a slightly thick sesame sauce, then add the soy sauce and salt and stir well into the sesame sauce; mix the garlic .Pepper .Vinegar and sugar to make a garlic sauce.
2. Pat the cooked peanuts; chop the dried spicy radish and shallots separately.
Add the water to the pot, bring to a boil, add the lye noodles, bring to a boil and cook for about 2 minutes, until the noodles are 80% cooked and still have a stiff core, drain, pour a spoonful of sesame oil over them and then dry with a hair dryer.
4. Sprinkle with chopped peanuts.Sprinkle with chopped peanuts, dried spicy radish and chopped scallions, top with sesame sauce and garlic sauce, and toss well.
Tips 1. Hot dry noodles is the most characteristic breakfast in Wuhan with Shanxi knife cutting noodles.The noodles are the most popular in Wuhan.Sichuan Dan Dan Noodles.Zhengzhou chow mein is also known as China's five famous noodles
2. The sauce can be adjusted according to your preference, the amount of salt and sugar can be adjusted as appropriate, if you like spicy food, you can add some chili oil.
3. Alkaline noodles are noodles made with a little bit of edible alkaline noodles.Alkaline noodles can adjust the viscosity of the noodles, cooking noodles is not easy to burnt pot, alkaline noodles taste more toughened.

Authentic Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles Method

Ingredients: 200g alkaline noodles, 30g shrimp, 50g Chinese cabbage, green onion, sesame sauce.Chili sauce.2 tablespoons each of soy sauce, 25g of sesame oil, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar.
Method Step 1. First, chop the Chinese cabbage.Chop the green onion.Shrimp chopped, all kinds of seasonings ready.
2. Boil water in a pot, shake the noodles and cook for about 3 minutes until 80% cooked, then remove and drain.
3. Pour the sesame oil over the noodles.
4. Toss with chopsticks and shake well.
5. When the noodles are thoroughly cooled, plunge them into a pot of boiling water and drain immediately when they are slightly hot.
6. Finally, toss in the soy sauce, pour over the sesame sauce and add the sesame oil.White vinegar.Chili sauce.Minced shrimp.Sprinkle with chopped green onion and mix well.
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