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Blueberry Cake

Blueberry Cake

Oct 27,2022
Blueberry Cake
The kids in the family love cakes and are worried that the ones you buy are not hygienic?I recommend you the recipe of blueberry cake.Blueberry cake is acceptable to both men and women because it is not so sweet, and the color looks good.Make the blueberry cake thin so that it's both tasty and pretty, and the kids will be hooked on blueberry cake!

How to make blueberry cake

IngredientsPrepare 80g of low gluten flour, 40g of sugar, 1/2 egg, 1/2 tbsp of baking powder, 40g of butter, 40g of milk, 80g of blueberries.
Method Step 1. Crispy pineapple powder ingredients: 15g butter, 15g sugar, 30g low gluten flour.
2. Beat the butter, which has softened at room temperature, with the sugar until fluffy, then add the eggs and whisk to a creamy consistency.
3. Sift the low gluten flour and baking powder together and add to 1, then pour in the milk and mix gently.
4. Line a round baking tray with baking paper and place the dough in it.
5. To make the puffed pineapple mix: beat the butter and sugar until fluffy, then add the low gluten flour and knead with your hands.
6. Place the blueberries on top of the dough, then sprinkle the puffed pineapple mix on top.
7. Place the baking tray in a preheated 180-185°C oven and bake for 30 minutes.

Home made blueberry cake recipe

Ingredients Prepare 100g of low gluten flour, 3 eggs, 60g of blueberries, cream .Caster sugar.Salt.Vanilla extract.Butter to taste.
Method Step 1. Puree the blueberries, add the cream and mix well, put it in a laminating bag and set aside; sieve the low gluten flour and set aside.
2. Beat the eggs in a container without water and oil, add the butter and sugar and beat with a whisk.
3. Add the sifted low gluten flour and salt and mix well, then add the vanilla extract and mix well.Start preheating the oven to about 180°C.
4. Pour the cake batter into the baking tray, place in the preheated oven and bake for about 30 minutes, then remove and press out the desired sponge cake with a mousse ring and score the horizontal lines with a laminating bag.
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