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How to Make Rice Cake

How to Make Rice Cake

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Rice Cake
Eating cooled rice cakes on a hot summer day is very refreshing.Rice cakes can be made in a variety of ways and with different flavors.To make rice cakes at home, you can add pumpkin.Red dates.Red beans and even fruits.It's easy to make and tasty, so here's how to make it!

Homemade method of jiangmi cake

IngredientsPrepare 100g of jiangmi flour, 50g of bean filling, 1 kiwi, 10g of coconut flour, 20g of sugar, and a pinch of salt.
Method Step 1. put salt in the jiangmi flour.Sugar.30g of water and make a dough.
2. Put the dough into the microwave oven and heat it on medium heat for 3 minutes, take it out to cool and knead it well, then put it into the microwave oven for 1 minute, take it out and cover it to prevent water loss.
3. Peel the kiwis, dice them, wrap them in a layer of bean paste, and then wrap them in the dough to form a ball.
4. Finally, cover the rice balls with coconut flour and cut them in the middle.

How to make Cinnamon Rice Cake

Prepare 2500g of river rice, 500g of cooked flour, 50g of sesame seeds, 50g of melon seeds, 500g of sugar, 500g of spices.A little red pigment, green and red silk in the right amount.
Step 1: Wash the rice, soak it in water for three hours, then remove the water and steam it on the drawer for about two hours.
2. Wash and fry the sesame seeds, and smash them with a wooden hammer.Add 250g of sugar.Melon seeds.Green and red shreds .Stir into the sugar mixture.
3. Remove some flour from the board, knead the crushed rice into a dough, roll it into a long strip, roll it into a flat shape and then flatten it with a wooden board.
4. Cut the flattened dough into two pieces of the same size with a knife and spread one of them with the sugar filling.Then put the other piece on top of the sugar filling, and then use two wooden boards to flatten the sides to make a 6 cm long and 6 cm wide cake.
5. Use 250g white sugar with some red pigment, roll it into pink sugar powder and withdraw it on the cake.

How to make red bean and rice cake

Ingredients Prepare red beans.Red dates.Edamame flour.Walnuts, yeast.Cooked lard.Brown sugar.Sugar cinnamon each in the right amount.
Step 1: Put the soaked red beans and dates for 5 hours in a pressure cooker in a ratio of 2:1 and let them cool.
2. Add yeast, warm water and molasses for 20 minutes.
3. Add cooked lard to the pot, add the cooled and dried red beans.Add the cooled and dried red beans, red dates, and stir-fry over low heat to remove the water.
Add brown sugar, then add the toasted walnuts and stir-fry continuously, finally add sugar cinnamon to make the filling.
5. Cool the filling and make small balls, wrap them in rice noodles and fry them in the frying pan until golden brown.
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