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Causes of Laptop Black Screen and Solutions

Causes of Laptop Black Screen and Solutions

Jul 30,2022
Causes of Laptop Black Screen and Solutions
Laptops have now become an appliance that everyone carries around with them and is conveniently used for office.Social activities, etc.But regular use can also cause some problems with laptops.

Causes and Solutions of Laptop Black Screen

Laptops have become an electrical appliance that we all carry around with us now, and it is convenient to use it for office.It is easy to use for office work, social activities, etc.But frequent use can also lead to some problems with laptops.People may use their laptops while the computer boot black screen and other situations, when this happens what is the reason?How to go about fixing it, come with me to see it!
There are many reasons for a black screen on a laptop.
1. There is a display data line contact bad;
2. poor contact with the graphics card or ;
3. CPU poor contact and overheating;
4. Poor contact with the memory stick;
5. Poor performance of the power supply;
6. Machine infected with CIH virus, BIOS was destructively flashed;
7. Microsoft black screen, please patch.
Laptop computer black screen when how to fix.
1. boot up the display black screen, only the light is on, the host does not reflect any.I can't feel the fan spinning when I put my hand behind the mainframe.Measure the voltage of all roads are not.Remove the power supply adjustment tube to see if it is bad.
2. Long sound alarm on boot, should be a memory failure.Unplug the memory, clear the gold finger, insert normal.
3. The power supply and CPU fan are normal, but the screen does not reflect any, and no self-test sound.This machine uses SLOT1 structure CPU easy to contact poor.
4. Power on the self-test is normal, but the screen does not light up.According to the Banner China brand list unplug the display signal line at the back, unplug a look, a pin is bent.
5. Power on the screen does not light up.The machine does not self-test.Shorted with a meter pin on the motherboard start side, normal start.It turns out that the start switch on the panel is bad.
6. Power on the machine does not self-test, check the power supply is normal.Using the minimum system method, when unplugged optical drive, the machine can start normally.Then put on the fault reproduced.It means that the optical drive has a problem caused by the machine can not start.This case should draw the attention of peers.
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