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Prevention of summer air conditioning disease starts with its hygiene

Prevention of summer air conditioning disease starts with its hygiene

Jul 30,2022
Prevention of summer air conditioning disease starts with its hygiene
The summer sun is blazing down on the streets and it is so comfortable to hide in an air-conditioned room.But after spending a lot of time in an air-conditioned room, you may get a cough.Headache.Runny nose?Experts call it air conditioning syndrome, which is caused by germs that grow in the air conditioner.

Prevention of air conditioning disease in summer starts with maintaining air conditioning hygiene.

In the summer, when the sun is shining, it is very comfortable to hide in the air conditioning room.However, if you stay in the air conditioning room for a long time, you may get a cough.Headache.Runny nose?Experts call it air conditioning syndrome, mostly caused by the germs that grow in the air conditioner.Therefore, it is important to clean your air conditioner in time.It is especially important to keep it hygienic and safe.
Cleaning and hygiene of home air conditioners
How often is your air conditioner cleaned?Do you know a few of the key points of cleaning?I learned that many families clean their air conditioners 2-3 times a year, mainly in the summer and winter before the use of air conditioners.However, most of the public for the air conditioning cleaning remains at the filter level, and in fact, the filter only filters a part of the dust, there are still some dust through the filter accumulated in the heat sink, and the accumulation of a large number of germs.
People spend most of their time indoors, and indoor air pollution can be harmful to the human nervous system.Respiratory system.The immune system can cause damage, which can lead to various diseases or recurrence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.During the operation of air conditioners, the metabolites of human body .Carbon dioxide.Exhaust gases from life.Dust will firmly collect on the fins of the evaporator of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, which will not only affect the cooling and heating effect of the air conditioner, but also further breed the air conditioner.Heating effect, will further breed many mold.Bacteria and germs, when the air conditioner works again, these strains will soon be dispersed into the indoor air, so that the air bacteria content rises, so that people living in them to catch diseases, especially the immune function of the elderly and children.
From the perspective of air conditioning maintenance and more hygienic, it is best to insist on cleaning and disinfection once a month.
Cleaning and disinfection of centralized central air conditioners
I learned from a real estate company in my area that the improvement properties are now configured with centralized central air conditioning, while the just-needed plate is generally not available.
But in hotels .Office building .Supermarkets.Factories and other large areas.Rooms more concentrated places, the use of central air conditioning is essential.In public places, there are countless people coming in and out every day, and the air pollution components are obviously more complex and numerous than those at home.Therefore, the cleaning and disinfection of central air conditioning in public places is becoming a focus of attention.
Recently, I visited a large supermarket located in Linping.According to the person in charge of the supermarket, the supermarket used to clean and disinfect the central air conditioner every month, but mainly for manual operation.In April this year, they specifically found an air conditioning installation engineering company, the use of electronic robots, the supermarket's central air conditioning for a comprehensive .A thorough cleaning and disinfection.
It is understood that the technical requirements for cleaning and disinfection of centralized central air conditioners are high .The cost is large, which is the cause of some factories .Office buildings .Shopping malls or property reluctance to timely cleaning of the main reason.The relevant person in charge of our district health supervision told the author that next, law enforcement officers will strictly follow the latest national launch of the centralized air conditioning ventilation system cleaning and disinfection of public places norms .Sanitary norms.Sanitary evaluation norms, etc., strict management of the relevant industries, requiring professional cleaning.Professional evaluation, to further improve the level of hygiene of central air conditioning in public places in our region, to protect the public's healthy life.
How to clean home air conditioners
Wall-mounted air conditioner cleaning.
1. Lift the cover and wipe the exposed external housing with a wet rag;
2. Remove the air conditioner filter, if there is not much dust, you can tap or use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust;
3. If there is too much dust, you can rinse the filter with water.The side with less dust will face the water flow, use a soft brush with neutral detergent to clean, the reverse side of the dust will naturally fall off; rinse clean, dry with a soft cloth or put in the shade to blow dry.
4. Filter dry, put it back on and close the top.
Standing cabinet air conditioner cleaning.
1. Use a screwdriver to twist open the screws on both sides of the body panel to open the panel;
2. Remove the filter;
3. Use the shower from the back of the filter outward to clean the dust; clear well after the back of the shade to dry;
4. After drying, put the filter back on and close the top cover.
Air conditioner heat sink should also be washed.
1. There is a heat sink behind the filter, which is easy to be ignored when cleaning;
2. Use professional cleaning agent to repeatedly spray the heat sink 2-3 times;
3. Wait for about 5 minutes to let the cleaning agent fully dissolve the dust and kill the bacteria, then put back the dust filter and run the machine for 20-30 minutes.
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