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How to make fried cashew flower

How to make fried cashew flower

Oct 27,2022
How to make fried cashew flower
Stir-fried cashew is a common home-cooked dish, with the main ingredients, stir-fried, stir-fried cashew is not difficult to do, characterized by tender, mellow flavor, but also has a high nutritional value, so popular to the public's favorite.

Introduction of the side dish of fried cashew flower

Stir-fried cashew in another point has an important step in determining the taste of cashew, that is, the choice of side dishes, with the inadmissible side dishes and condiments, the taste will also change, but generally stir-fried cashew side dishes are these carrots.Fungus .Green pepper, etc.
Cut flower knife and fried cashew there is a particularly important point, that is, cut flower knife, cut flower knife is easy to say, to cut a good one is more difficult, first cut a parallel knife pattern (or knife tilt), and then rotate 90 degrees, and then cut a parallel knife pattern, which is cut flower knife, cut flower knife and then cut into a long diamond-shaped strip, which is the cut method we need to use in fried cashew.

Stir-fried cashew practice

The ingredients needed for the main 2, green pepper 2, sharp pepper 1, oil salt .Onion, ginger and garlic.Cooking wine .Fennel leaves each in appropriate amounts.
Steps 1. Wash and cut the green pepper.
2. Pork loin inside the white shame carefully removed, cut into a flower knife.
3. spoon boiling water in the pot, put the loin, cooking wine blanch to remove the blood and fish out.
4. Another pot, boil oil, add onion, ginger, garlic, fennel leaves bursting, add bell pepper, add green pepper stir-fry evenly.
5. Add the cashew flower stir-fry, and finally put salt to enhance the flavor.

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