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How to Make Cranberry Cookies

How to Make Cranberry Cookies

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Cranberry Cookies
One of the hotter cookies lately is cranberry cookies, and many people have been asking how to make cranberry cookies.A few days ago, after a few explorations, I finally found a few cranberry cookie practices, interested friends may want to try it out.

How to make cranberry cookies

Butter 75g, low flour 120g, powdered sugar 50g, one egg, dried cranberries 30g.
Step 1: Beat the butter until puffed, then add the powdered sugar and mix well.
2. add the beaten egg to the butter summary in three batches, mixing well.
3. Then sift the low flour into the butter, add the dried cranberries and mix well.
4. place the mixed batter in a plastic bag to make a rectangle and place in the freezer for 20 minutes.
5. When the dough is firm, slice it and arrange it in a baking dish.
6. Place the baking tray in a preheated 170 degree oven and bake for 20 minutes.
How to make milk cranberry cookies
200g of low flour, 50g of cranberries, 50g of milk, 60g of powdered sugar, 60g of vegetable oil and 60g of butter.
Method steps
1. Sift the flour, chop the cranberries and set aside.
2. add the powdered sugar to the butter, beat it, then add the vegetable oil and beat it, then add the milk and beat it.
3. then pour in the flour, mix well and then pour in the cranberries, mix well and transfer to a laminating bag.
4. Squeeze into a baking pan and bake in a preheated 175 degree oven for 20 minutes on the middle layer for golden brown color.
How to make chocolate cranberry cookies
Ingredients Preparation
One cup of plain flour, half a cup of oatmeal, a pinch of baking soda, salt, cinnamon, dried cranberries, butter, brown sugar, honey, eggs, chocolate beans.
Method steps
1. Flour.Oatmeal.Baking soda.Salt.Mix the cinnamon in a large container.
2. Melt the butter over hot water and let it cool until it is not hot.
3. Add one egg to the sugar and oil solution and mix well.
4. Pour the stirred solution into the container of flour and stir well with a spatula.
5. add the fruit mixture and chocolate beans to the stirred dough, divide the dough into 16 portions, press the dough into small cakes with your hands and line them into a baking tray.
6. Place in a preheated 180 degree oven for about 15 minutes.
Nutritional value and benefits of cranberry biscuits
The nutrition of cranberry biscuits is mainly focused on cranberries, which are rich in vitamin C, anthocyanins, ellagic acid and so on, equivalent to have super antioxidants.Eating cranberries can beauty and skin care
It can slow down the aging process and reduce cardiovascular diseases.
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