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How to make chicken claw soup

How to make chicken claw soup

Oct 27,2022
How to make chicken claw soup
The chicken claw is rich in collagen, which we all know, eating chicken claw helps the skin to maintain elasticity, can also have a certain whitening effect.The food therapy is more healthy and natural than using cosmetics and skin care products, so let's take a look at the chicken claw soup.

The practice of chicken claw soup: chicken claw soup

Ingredients preparation lotus seeds moderate amount, chicken claw moderate amount, a few red dates, pork lean meat, mushrooms, carrots, a little salt.
Method steps 1. chicken claws washed and removed nails, cut into small sections, blanched in hot water for 1 minute and drained.
2. wash and drain the lean pork, wash and cut the carrots into small pieces, cut the shiitake mushrooms into pieces and soak the lotus seeds in water.
3. lean pork, lotus seeds, chicken claws, mushrooms, put into a casserole dish, pour in an appropriate amount of water, boil over high heat to low heat boil 1 hour.
4. then pour in the carrots and dates boil cooking office school, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste.

The practice of chicken claw soup: apple chicken claw soup

Ingredients preparation chicken claw moderate amount, apple 1, gravy moderate amount, peanuts moderate amount, a few dates, a few carrots, a little salt.
Method steps 1. chicken claw cut off the nails, wash, blanching for use.
2. peanuts and gravy soak 2 hours in advance for use, cold water into the pot, add chicken claws.
3. then pour in the peanuts and gravy, add the dates, pour in the chicken pieces carrots, boil over high heat.
4. then transfer to a tile pot, cook over low heat for 40 minutes, add the apples and cook for another hour and a half.
5. Add the right amount of salt to taste.

Chicken Claw Soup: Yam and Chicken Claw Soup

Ingredients prepare chicken claw, yam, mushrooms in appropriate amounts.
Method steps 1. chicken claws washed and removed toes, chopped into small pieces, washed and blanched and removed for use.
2. then put the chicken claws into a casserole dish, add an appropriate amount of water, ginger slices and bring to a boil over high heat;.
3. cook on low heat for half an hour, peel and cut the yams, together with the mushrooms into the casserole.
4. then stew on low heat for 20 minutes, add the right amount of salt.

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