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Stir-fried Sliced Pork

Stir-fried Sliced Pork

Oct 27,2022
Stir-fried Sliced Pork
Stir-fried sliced pork wants to be tender, here the meat has to be battered, it seals the meat and does not let it lose too much moisture so that the meat comes out less woody.Of course we have different cooking methods when making sliced pork with different vegetables.

Easy Stir-Fried Sliced Pork

Ingredients Prepare 1 groundnut, moderate amount of morning glory pepper, oil, pepper 1 tbsp, ginger 1, loin meat 150 g, red morning glory pepper 2, salt moderate amount, chicken essence 1 tbsp.
Method steps 1. wash the tenderloin, remove the fat with a knife and cut the tenderloin into thin slices the size of a groundnut.
2. heat a little oil in a pan, stir-fry the meat until browned and remove from the pan.
3. then start a pan, a little oil, add red and green peppers, stir-fry 7 mature, set aside.
4. a little oil in a pan, add ginger, dried red chili pepper shreds bursting, add groundnut skin stir-fried to 5 mature.
6. Then add the stir-fried meat, peppers, a little salt, turn off the heat and stir-fry, add salt and pepper to enhance the flavor.

Home-made Stir-fried Pork

Ingredients prepare concealed meat half pound, green onions, soy sauce, a little starch, sugar, a little salt, minced garlic appropriate amount.
Method step 1. cut the meat into thin slices, put soy sauce, cornstarch and salt mix and marinate for a while.
2. a little oil in the pot to burst garlic, pour in the cut meat stir-fried oil.
3. then add the scallions, sprinkle with a little sugar, and serve.

Stir-fried pork with fungus

Ingredients Prepare 400g of pancetta, appropriate amount of green onion, 50g of chili, soybean oil, salt, MSG, soy sauce and chili sauce.
Method step 1. cook the pork in boiling water for 10 minutes, remove and slice thinly.
2. frying pan with a little oil, put the meat slices, stir-fry the green onions, add soy sauce and chili sauce and stir-fry for color.
3. then add the scallions, chili peppers and stir-fry, add salt and MSG to taste.

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