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How to Make Fish with Black Bean Sauce

How to Make Fish with Black Bean Sauce

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Fish with Black Bean Sauce
Fish with black bean sauce is a famous dish in Sichuan cuisine, and you will occasionally smell it when you pass by a restaurant at lunchtime.It's easy to make, and you can do it yourself at home.The key to making good black bean fish is to steam the fish for not too long so that the meat does not get old.

How to make black bean fish with winter melon

Ingredients Prepare 150g of net fish, 500g of winter melon, 30g of aquatic shiitake mushrooms, 30g of green pepper, 30g of red pepper, black bean.Pickled pepper sauce.Sugar.Pepper.Monosodium glutamate.Dry fine starch.Wet starch.Fresh stock.Salad oil appropriate amount.
Method step 1. net fish.Hairy mushrooms.Green pepper.Red pepper cut into 0.8 cm square dice respectively; ginger .Garlic chopped into minced.
2. Add the above ingredients to a bowl and add the black beans.Pickled pepper paste.Salt.Salt.Ginger and garlic.Sugar.Pepper.Water starch mix well into the filling.
3. Peel off the rough skin of the winter melon, cut into 6 cm long, 4 cm wide and 2.5 cm thick pieces, dig a groove in the middle, cook in a pot of boiling water until broken and strained.
4. put the groove of the winter melon, smeared with dry fine starch, into the dish.
5. Spoon the seasoned tempeh into the winter squash groove.
6. Steam the stuffed winter squash in a cage over high heat for 5 minutes until cooked, remove to a plate.
7. Salt.Pepper.Seasoning.Fresh soup.Wet starch.Salad oil into the pot into a fresh flavor sauce drizzled on the winter melon that is.
Tips 1. the amount of tempeh to control, should not be too much, otherwise the dish black color.
2. winter melon boiling time should not be too long, to break the degree of raw, so as not to affect the shape of the dish.
3. The sauce should not be too much too thick, because the dish already has a taste, so the sauce only plays a role in supporting the seasoning.

How to make home-made black bean fish

Ingredients Prepare 1 straw fish (about 600g), water tempeh.Green bell pepper .50g each of red bell pepper, 50g of sliced green onion, ginger.Steamed fish with soy sauce.Green peppercorns.10g each of cooking wine, salt.Chicken essence 2g each, 50g of old bean oil.
Method steps 1. green bell pepper.Red tip pepper washed and cut into 0.5 cm circles; grass carp washed and cut into flower knives, salt and cooking wine evenly coated on the fish, stuffed in the fish belly with sliced ginger .Sliced green onion, code taste for 30 minutes.
2. Place a steamer on the fire, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, place the fish in the steamer and steam for 8 minutes over high heat, remove and plate.
3. Stir-fry pan on the fire, add the old bean oil and heat to 60%, then add the water tempeh and stir-fry, add green pepper.Green bell pepper rings.Red bell pepper rings stir-fry, add steamed fish soy sauce.Salt.Chicken seasoning boil, drizzle on the fish can be.
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