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How to Make Five Spice Soybeans

How to Make Five Spice Soybeans

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Five Spice Soybeans
The five spice soybeans can be divided into those that are boiled and those that are fried, the softness that comes out of boiling and the crispness that comes out of frying, the taste varies a lot.Both are more delicious, so you can try both to see which one is better and which one you like better.

How to make homemade five spice soybeans

Make sure to absorb the water when frying, otherwise the consequences will be severe.
IngredientsPrepare half a catty of soybeans, 5 grams of cooked sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon of five spice powder, salt to taste, and a pinch of sugar.
Method Step 1. wash the broad beans, soak them in water, peel off the skin and absorb the water with kitchen paper.
2. add 400nl of oil to a pan, cool the oil and add the soybeans and fry over low heat.
3. then add the cooked sesame seeds, salt, sugar and five spice powder to the pan and mix well.
4. When the soybeans fried until light brown and crisp, strain the oil and add to the plate, mix well and cool.
Tip: Fry slowly over low heat to get through, so that the outside is not battered and the inside is raw.

Five spice soybean practice

IngredientsPrepare soybeans, star anise, pepper five spice powder, cayenne pepper, rock sugar, salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate.
Method Step 1. Heat oil in a pot, add peppercorns, star anise and chili peppers.
2. then add the soybeans, stir-fry for a few minutes, add the appropriate amount of icing sugar, salt, soy sauce, five spice powder stir-fry well.
3. then add the right amount of water without ingredients, medium-low heat for about 15 minutes, add a small amount of crisis, turn off the heat and simmer on 10 minutes.

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