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How to Make Hand-Torn Beef Jerky

How to Make Hand-Torn Beef Jerky

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Hand-Torn Beef Jerky
Nowadays, a lot of food is popular to tear by hand, whether it is hand-torn chicken, hand-torn rabbit, hand-torn dried bean curd or hand-torn beef jerky, it feels more delicious and chewy to tear by hand.Today, we will do this hand-torn beef jerky at home, but of course, here is the first look at the hand-torn beef jerky practice.

Fried Hand Torn Beef Jerky Practice

Ingredients Prepare cooked beef, orange juice, pepper, Chinese herbs, allspice, cinnamon, cumin, herb nuts, orange peel, soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil, a little cooked sesame seeds.
Method Step 1. Heat a moderate amount of oil in a frying pan and stir-fry all the spices.
2. then pour in the orange juice and the right amount of sugar, add the soy sauce and soy sauce.
3. cook on high heat for 8 minutes to season the aroma, then tear the beef into strips and cook in the pot.
4. soup dry hands slowly stir-fry over low heat until there is no water, then add cooked sesame seeds and stir-fry evenly.
5. Finally add a little sesame oil and stir-fry until the beef is caramelized and dry.

hand torn beef jerky practice

IngredientsPrepare 200g of dried beef, 5 persimmon peppers, salt to taste, soy sauce to taste, ginger and garlic to taste, oil to taste, red bell pepper to taste.
Method step 1. cut the dried beef into small strips and the green pepper into strips.
2. ginger and garlic chopped, red pepper chopped for use.
3. add oil to the pan and stir-fry the onion, ginger, garlic and pepper, then add the beef.
4. then add the green pepper and stir-fry well, stir-fry can be cooked.

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