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How to make pig's feet

How to make pig's feet

Oct 27,2022
How to make pig's feet
Pork claws are actually pig's feet, and families basically make pig's feet soup, but the stewed pig's feet soup has some greasiness and you can't eat too much of it.Here we'll look at a few more ways to prepare a meal with pig's claws as the main ingredient.

How to make pig's feet: Roasted pig's feet with quail egg

Ingredients to prepare the appropriate amount of pig's feet, quail eggs, onion, ginger and garlic, dried chili pepper, pepper, star anise, cinnamon appropriate amount.
Method steps 1. wash the pig's feet, cold water into the pot, add cooking wine, boil the blood and rinse well.
2. quail eggs cooked and shelled for use, ginger sliced, onion patted, peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon, dried chili peppers washed.
3. put the pig's feet, quail eggs, ginger and garlic, peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon, dried chili peppers, and icing sugar all into the electric pressure cooker.
4. Add the soy sauce, soy sauce and cooking wine to marinate for half an hour, then choose the right program and sprinkle some chopped green onion after cooking.

Pork claw practice: seaweed boiled pig's feet

IngredientsPrepare the right amount of pig's feet, 100 grams of kelp soup, 50 grams of peanuts, 50 grams of dates, 10 grams of ginger, and the right amount of scallions.
Method steps 1. soak peanuts, kelp soak to remove salt and wash for use.
2. kelp cut into coarse sections for use, ginger cut into large pieces, chopped scallions, wash the pig's feet.
3. boil the pig's trotters in boiling water for 2 minutes, remove and rinse, put into a casserole and add water.
4. cook over medium-low heat until boiling, then add cooking wine, bring to a boil again, then cover the pot with low heat for 10 minutes.
5. turn off the heat and simmer for half an hour, then fire for 10 minutes, repeating 3 times, skimming the fat.
6. then pour in the peanuts and kelp, add the dates, and cook slowly over medium-low heat until the soup is snowy white, adding an appropriate amount of salt to taste.
7. Then add a little sugar for freshness, add pepper and chopped green onion.

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