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How to eat soba noodles

How to eat soba noodles

Oct 27,2022
How to eat soba noodles
Soba is rich in nutrients, how to eat soba do you know?Soba noodles have a unique aroma, even if you do not love pasta, you will love soba noodles because of this unique aroma made of food.Soba noodles are generally available in large supermarkets, there are frozen .Fresh and dry, this article describes how to eat soba noodles from the supermarket to buy the ordinary soba noodles.

How to eat soba noodles: chicken soba

Ingredients Prepare chicken breast 50g.1 piece of lettuce.Raised wheat noodles 80g.1/3 of a cucumber.1 small spoon of wasabi.Chicken broth, 5 cm of seaweed.1 tbsp cooking wine.Sugar 1 tbsp.1 tbsp of soy sauce.
Method Step 1. Tear the cooked chicken breasts into fine shreds, shred the cucumber finely and tear the lettuce into small pieces.
2. Add the wine to the chicken stock from cooking the chicken breasts.White sugar .Soy sauce .Cook the seaweed for about 10 minutes to make a stock.
3. Cook the soba noodles; while the noodles are cooking, put the broth in the refrigerator to cool.
4. Cook the soba noodles in cool water and drain in a bowl.
5. Pour 1 and broth into the noodles and stir well.
Tips 1. Cook the chicken for about 30 minutes, and the simmered chicken broth can be used as the broth for soba noodles.
2. If you want to taste more refreshing, you can serve with wasabi.
3. Soba noodles are low in calories and rich in essential amino acids and B vitamins, which are useful for weight loss.In addition, the cystine contained in buckwheat can make the skin soft and more elastic.

How to eat soba noodles: beef and radish fried soba noodles

Ingredients Prepare soba noodles 100g, beef 50g, carrots 50g.Cooking wine .Fine salt.Chicken seasoning.Minced onion.Minced ginger.Vegetable oil a little of each of the appropriate amount.
Method Step 1. Put the soba noodles into a pot of boiling water and cook over low heat.Fish out.Fill a bowl.
2. Wash the beef and cut or slice, remove the roots of the carrots.Wash .Slice.
3. Put a frying pan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil, when hot, add beef stir-fry, stir-fry cooked, add cooking wine.Minced onion.Minced ginger.Fine salt.Chicken, and then stir-fry for a few moments, add the carrot slices, stir-fry to taste and then start, pour over the soba noodles, mix well.

How to eat soba noodles: mushroom soba

IngredientsPrepare 150g soba noodles, 50g shiitake mushrooms, ginger.Onion.Garlic.Red pepper minced in appropriate amounts.Salt.Chicken seasoning.Soy sauce.Sesame oil each appropriate amount.
Method Step 1.Wash the ginger, cut the onion into flowers, ginger shredded, garlic peeled and chopped, put in a bowl, then add the red pepper.Adequate salt.Chicken essence.Soy sauce .Salad oil.Sesame oil to mix into a sauce.
2. Wash the mushrooms, cut them into slices, put them in boiling water for a few minutes, take them out and put them in a bowl.
3. Add water to the pot and boil, cook the noodles, fish them into a bowl and pour the seasoned sauce into it.
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