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Home cooking of Peeps

Home cooking of Peeps

Oct 27,2022
Home cooking of Peeps
Peeping shrimp, also known as crawling shrimp, is full of meat.It is delicious and is a common dish on the daily dinner table.There are many ways to make prawns, such as pepper prawns.Spicy prawns.Fried prawns and so on.Now let's recommend a few homemade prawns, just a few simple steps, you can make a rich flavor.The prawns are delicious and finger-licking.

Home Cooking of Soft Fried Peeps

IngredientsPrepare 200g of prawn meat, 1 egg, green onion.5 grams each of ground ginger, 25 grams of cooking wine, 2 grams of salt, 5 grams of sesame oil, 100 grams of cornstarch, 50 grams of flour, 500 grams of peanut oil (about 75 grams).
Method Step 1. Put the prawn meat in water, rinse it gently and control the water.Put in a bowl.Add chopped onion and ginger.Chinese cooking wine.Salt (1g) and sesame oil mix well and marinate for about 10 minutes.
2. Combine the eggs.Starch.Flour.Salt (1 g) and a little water in a separate bowl, mix well to form a paste, add the prawn meat and hang the paste well.
3. pot on the fire, put peanut oil to 40% heat, using chopsticks, put the shrimp meat into the pan fried and pulled out; wait for the oil temperature in the pan to 80% heat.Shrimp meat into the pot again, quickly re-fried once, fish out the oil control can be.
Tips to take the skin shrimp meat: the head and sides of the skin shrimp, that is, the connection between the dorsal shell and the abdominal skin cut off, so that the upper and lower two skin completely detached, the dorsal shell gently removed, a whole skin shrimp meat can be peeled out.

Garlic Peeps Home Cooking

IngredientsPrepare 500g of prawns, 3 red peppers, minced garlic.Soy sauce.Salt.Vegetable oil in appropriate amounts.
Method Step 1: Remove the shrimp from the shrimp threads, wash; red pepper, wash, remove the tip.Sub, cut into pieces.
2. Frying pan with vegetable oil to heat, pour into the shrimp fried until golden brown, fish out.
3. The original pan left the bottom of the oil heat, put in the ground chili pepper.Garlic stir-fry, add shrimp stir-fry evenly, add soy sauce.Salt stir-fry evenly, plate can be.

Home cooking method of spicy prawns

Prepare 12 prawns, 150g black bean sprouts, 4 greens, 4-5 shiitake mushrooms, chopped green onion.minced ginger.1 tablespoon spicy bean paste, 1 tablespoon spicy black bean paste, 2 teaspoons cooking wine, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 2 teaspoons dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon chili oil, and enough salad oil to taste.
Method Step 1. Rinse the skinned prawns well.Clean the black bean sprouts and cut off the roots do not.Clean the greens and break them into small pieces.Clean the shiitake mushrooms, remove the stems and cut slightly thicker slices.
2. Boil enough water in a pot, add black bean sprouts and shiitake mushrooms, blanch for 1 minute and take out to cool.
3. Heat oil in a pot until 50% hot, add minced ginger and garlic, stir-fry over low heat, add spicy bean paste and spicy black bean paste, stir-fry over low heat to produce red oil, pour in chopped green onion.Chinese cooking wine.Vinegar.Sugar.Stir-fry well, then pour in the right amount of water (can not be over the shrimp 1/3 at), bring to a boil.
Tip 4. Add the prawns, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes with the lid on.Open the lid, set the peeps aside and add the black bean sprouts.Shiitake mushrooms.Drizzle in the chili oil and stir-fry over high heat for 1 minute to turn off the heat.
The less water, the fresher the cooked prawns, so do not add too much water, the amount of water can be 5 minutes to cook the prawns.
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