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How to make pickled phoenix claws

How to make pickled phoenix claws

Oct 27,2022
How to make pickled phoenix claws
The preparation method of pickled pepper phoenix claw is relatively simple, and you can make spicy and tasty by yourself at home.The skin tough meat fragrant pickled pepper phoenix claw.It is a popular dish among the general public as well as the elegant.The food has an appetizing and refreshing effect.The following is an introduction to several ways to make pickled pepper phoenix claws.

How to make pickled pepper phoenix claw

Ingredients prepared chicken claw 350 grams, onion .Ginger each appropriate amount.Red pickled pepper .Bean paste.Chinese cooking wine.Soy sauce.Pepper powder each appropriate amount.
Step 1: Wash the chicken claws, cut into 2 pieces from the middle, cut the nails and wash away the blood.
2. red pepper chopped; ginger partly cut into slices, partly cut into minced; white part of the onion cut into segments, onion leaves partly cut into flowers.
3. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot, put the processed chicken claws .Ginger slices.
4. Boil over high heat and skim off the foam, then cook for about 6 minutes, turn off the heat, fish out the cooked chicken claws, drain and set aside.
5. Heat the frying pan and add the crushed red pepper with the bean paste.Sliced green onion .Ginger, stirring out the spicy flavor.
6. Then add the chicken claws, stir-fry a few times and then add the wine and pepper and stir-fry well.
7. Then add a little water to simmer for a while to make it better taste.
8. Finally, add a little soy sauce, add green onions and stir-fry well and serve.

How to make Hunan-style pickled phoenix claws

Ingredients Prepare 500 grams of phoenix claws, 1 bottle of wild pepper (about 150 grams) 40 grams of refined salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 10 grams of cooking wine, 1000 grams of cool boiling water.
Step 1: Wash the phoenix claw, put it into boiling water and boil it until it is just cooked and broken (about 5 minutes), take it out and put it into water to cool.Then use a knife to cut open from the back of the phoenix claw, remove the claw bones and set aside.
2. chop the wild pepper finely, put into the kimchi jar, add the original juice.Fine salt.Monosodium glutamate.Cooking wine.Cool boiling water to mix well, made of kimchi water.
3. will remove the bones of the phoenix claw soaked in kimchi water marinated for about 12 hours to taste can be taken out to plate.
Tips 1. kimchi water can not be used for a long time, generally 3 to 5 days must be re-modulated.
2. phoenix claw boiling time to pay attention to the fire, to just cooked and broken for the best, and should be rinsed with water to cool.
3. wild mountain pepper quality should be good, taste should be fresh and spicy with acid; chopped fine can improve utilization.
4. phoenix claw pickling time should not be too long, generally 12 hours best.

How to make phoenix claw with pickled pepper

Ingredients prepared chicken claw 500 grams, 3 small rice pepper, pickled pepper 10.Garlic 15 cloves, celery.Carrot sticks .Shredded onion each appropriate amount.Pepper 5 grams, pepper 2 grams, ginger 1 piece, cooking wine .Old altar kimchi water each appropriate amount.
Method steps 1. clean the phoenix claws, chopped from the middle, set aside.
2. Put the phoenix claws into boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes.
3. Fish out and cool.Drain the water.
4. Serve the boiling water in a large bowl and cool.
5. Ginger.Slice the garlic separately and add to the bowl of cool boiling water, then add the pickled chillies.Small rice pepper .Pepper.
6. Pour the same amount of old kimchi water as the boiling water into the bowl of water.Add the cooking wine .Pepper and mix thoroughly.
7. Pour the cooked phoenix claws into the seasoned kimchi water and soak for 30 minutes.Add the celery segments .Carrot sticks .Shredded onion.
8. Mix the soaked phoenix claws with the shredded vegetables and serve on a plate.
Tips cooking time can be phoenix claw size.Old and young to determine, but also can be slow cooked over low heat.The variety of vegetables can be based on their own 1: 3 taste at will to choose.
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