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The difference between hifi headphones and monitor headphones

The difference between hifi headphones and monitor headphones

Oct 27,2022
The difference between hifi headphones and monitor headphones
We are all familiar with hifi headphones, monitor headphones have not attracted too much attention from some users, fundamentally speaking, although the same are headphones, but also have the same high and low grade, but monitor headphones and HiFi headphones in essence is also a big difference.So what is the difference between hifi headphones and monitor headphones?Let's take a look at the next.

The difference between hifi headphones and monitor headphones: the meaning is different

From the point of view of music appreciation, using monitor headphones to listen to music is actually not so desirable. Low- and mid-range monitor headphones are over-adjusted throughout the frequency, and many are only suitable for several kinds of music that are specifically adjusted for them.And high-end monitor headphones will be too much exposure to the shortcomings of your equipment, the overall listening experience are getting missing.
And if you use HiFi headphones in some professional areas, then it will cause a certain misunderstanding to the listener in the sound, which is mainly due to the heavy sound dye caused by hifi headphones, so that marks the professional field now and even after a long time, or the world of monitor headphones.Secondly, high-end monitor headphones have a higher impedance, requiring the user to have a larger power drive device, generally low-end civilian equipment does not have the ability to have this output, if you want to use monitor headphones on low-end equipment, then you should choose some monitor headphones designed for home recording studios.

Difference between hifi headphones and monitor headphones: different features

hifi headphones are intended for civilian consumers and are used to enjoy music.Listen to the radio.Watching movies, they have the following characteristics: First, the frequency response is as flat and wide as possible, in order to make the enjoyment of a variety of music are good results.Second, the efficiency is relatively high, in order to adapt to the civilian loud equipment output capacity is relatively small headphone amplifier line.Third, the quality is light and comfortable to wear.
Monitor headphones to have the following characteristics: First, the frequency response should be wide enough, fast, to ensure that the need to monitor the range of frequency band signal distortion as small as possible, with a clear response to the ability to monitor the sound characteristics of the object; second is robust, easy to repair and maintenance.Because the monitoring headphones for the function of restoring the original sound, so it can better help the wearer to distinguish between high and low tones.Accompaniment sound and so on, suitable for singers.Broadcasters wear in order to correct their own vocal to achieve a more professional level.

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