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How to make okra

How to make okra

Oct 27,2022
How to make okra
Okra is also known as okra.Crocus sativus.Crookneck beans.Chili.Coffee wasabi.Okra and so on, okra is widely cultivated in foreign countries, and okra is also listed in the formulation of athletes vegetables, okra helps digestion.Lowering blood fat.Calcium and other effects, some places of friends over there may be less okra, not familiar with the practice of okra, the following we will take a look.

The practice of okra.okra stir fry

Okra Risotto - Ingredients Preparation Rice.Boiled rice.Okra.Baby potatoes.Cabbage.Black fungus.Salt.Garlic.Vegetable oil.Pepper
Okra Risotto - Preparation Steps 1. Clean the small potatoes and cut into slices.
2. Clean the okra and blanch it in boiling water for 3 minutes, then cut into dice and set aside.
3. Soak the fungus in water, clean it, and tear it into small pieces.
4. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan, pop the garlic, stir-fry the potatoes first, then add the other vegetables and stir-fry.
5. Add a large bowl of boiling water, stew a little and then add the pancakes and rice, stir-fry a little salt, stir-fry well and add the right amount of pepper.

How to make okra.Scrambled Eggs with Okra

Stir-fried pork with okra - Ingredients 200g okra.Pork 100g.Salad oil.Salt.Cooking wine.Soy sauce appropriate amount
Stir-fried pork with okra - steps 1. clean the okra, put it in boiling water and blanch it for two minutes.
2. Clean the pork, then slice and set aside.
3. Heat oil in a pan, pour in the pork slices, add wine and stir-fry until the surface is browned.
4. Heat oil in a wok and stir-fry the okra, add the pork and a little soy sauce.Salt to taste.

How to make okra.Cold okra

Scrambled eggs with okra - prepare 5 eggs.10 okra.3 mushrooms.Salad oil.Salt.Yellow wine to taste
Scrambled eggs with okra - steps 1. Clean the okra and mushrooms and cut them into slices.
2. Break the eggs into a bowl and add salt.Add salt.
3. Add in the okra slices and mix well.
5. Frying pan placed on the fire after heating, pour in the right amount of oil.
6. Wait until the oil is cooked 8 minutes, pour in the egg mixture of okra slices stir-fried into pieces, add mushroom slices.A little salt combined stir-fry and serve.

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