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How to make stewed sorbet with rock sugar

How to make stewed sorbet with rock sugar

Oct 27,2022
How to make stewed sorbet with rock sugar
When it comes to sorbet, people easily think of iced sugar stewed sorbet, sweet and sour, and it is even more refreshing and delicious when you put it into the refrigerator to chill it in summer.Ice sugar stewed snow pear is a traditional dietary tonic, can nourish Yin and moisten the lungs.Cough and expectorant, good moistening and protective effect on the throat.Ice sugar stewed snow pear is very easy to do, learn all kinds of ice sugar stewed snow pear practice today!

function of snow pear

Snow pear is flat and tastes sweet and sour, with antioxidant .The role of skin care.Snow pear is rich in vitamins.Minerals.Food fiber, has the effect of lowering cholesterol.And ice sugar stewed snow pear is China's traditional folk nourishing drink, sweet and delicious taste, has the effect of nourishing the stomach.The effect of clearing heat and quenching thirst.

Ice sugar stewed snow pear

Ingredients preparation silver fungus 20 grams, lily 20 grams, snow pear 200 grams, wolfberry .Ice sugar each appropriate amount.
Method steps 1. Snow pear peeled, remove the nucleus, cut into pieces; silver fungus soaked and washed and torn into small; lily.Wolfberry cleaned.
2. put the silver fungus into the pot, add the right amount of water and then boil, turn the fire stew for about 1 hour, then put in the lily.Chinese wolfberry.Rock sugar and snow pear.
3. Add rock sugar, cover and continue to stew for about 20 minutes on low heat, pear pieces soft and rotten.

Sour rock sugar stewed snow pear juice

Ingredients prepare lean meat 300 grams, 2 snow pears, rock sugar .North and South apricot.Ephedra.Honey dates each appropriate amount.
Method steps 1. pot put water to boil, put the lean meat boil 5 minutes, take out and wash and cut pieces.
2. Wash the snow pear, do not need to remove the skin, only remove the core, cut 4 petals.
3. rock sugar.North and South apricot.Honey dates.Ephedra washed.
4. Boil the appropriate amount of water, put the lean meat.Snow pear.North and South apricot.Ephedra.Honey dates, with the fire again boiling, change the fire for 3 hours, and then add rock sugar man 5 minutes can.
Tips this soup has moisten the lungs to stop cough, nourish Yin and calm asthma.It is suitable for autumn real heat asthma, coughing frequently and sputum thick, lung dry cough for a long time, lung heat coughing blood sputum, daytime cough, asthma when the chest and lung vague pain.

The practice of

ice sugar stewed snow pear

Ingredients prepare snow pear 1, icing sugar appropriate amount, lemon 1 slice.
Method steps 1. wash the pear and peel and remove the core, put it into the pot with icing sugar and steam it for 30 minutes under water.
2. Pour the steamed pear juice into a cup, leave it to cool and then add a slice of lemon, wait for the lemon juice to seep in and drink.You can also squeeze the lemon juice directly into the pear juice to drink.
Tips lemon can not be put in just cooked pear juice, because the high temperature will destroy the vitamin C in the lemon resulting in nutrient loss.
It dissolves phlegm and moistens the lungs, which can relieve cough symptoms caused by bronchitis, etc.Lemon flavoring keeps the taste from being too sweet and has a whitening and emollient effect.
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