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Stir-fry with Garlic Scapes

Stir-fry with Garlic Scapes

Oct 27,2022
Stir-fry with Garlic Scapes
Garlic scapes have a garlic flavor just like garlic, but they are relatively much less flavorful, so more people can accept its stir-fried dishes.The meat stir-fried with garlic is not fishy, but has a unique garlic flavor, which is unique to garlic stir-fry.

Stir Fried Pork with Garlic Scapes in Sharp Pepper

Stir Fried Pork with Garlic
Ingredients prepare 6 sharp peppers, minced garlic, pork tenderloin 130 grams, salt, raw flour moderate amount, a little soy sauce, salad oil moderate amount, pepper, vinegar moderate amount.
Method step 1. shred the peppers, minced garlic, shred the pork loin for use, add salt, cornstarch and soy sauce to the meat and mix well for a while.
2. Heat the oil in a pan, pour in the salad oil and heat, pour in the shredded meat over low heat until browned.
3. the bottom of the pan oil into the green pepper shreds dry fry, then add salt and stir well, stir-fry until the water evaporates and then pour in the shredded meat.
4. then add garlic, pepper, vinegar stir-fry a few times to pan.

Stir-fried meat with fungus and garlic

Stir-fried meat with fungus and garlic

Ingredients Prepare half a catty of wood ear, three taels of garlic seedlings, 100 grams of pork, the right amount of garlic, raw flour, a little finger pepper, a little chicken powder, a little soy sauce.
Method step 1. minced garlic cut into sections, cut in the middle, shred the concealed pork, add raw flour and soy sauce and mix well.
2. shred the fungus and set aside. heat the pan and pour in a little oil, add the fatty meat and stir-fry.
3. then add the concealed meat and stir-fry, add the garlic, add the minced garlic and pepper.
4. stir-fry and add the shredded fungus, then add a little water starch, salt, chicken powder and stir-fry well.

Easy Garlic Stir Fry

Garlic Stir Fry
Ingredients prepare the right amount of onion, the right amount of meat, the right amount of green and red pepper, the right amount of minced garlic, a little garlic, ginger powder, pepper powder, salt, oil, the right amount of
Method Step 1. Wash and cut the minced garlic, wash and shred the green and red peppers, shred the onion and slice the garlic for use.
2. Heat oil in a pan, put the sliced meat and stir-fry until browned.
3. Heat a little oil in a pan, add shredded pepper and onion and garlic to sauté, then add minced garlic.
4. Then pour in the meat and stir-fry, add pepper powder, salt, ginger powder, soy sauce, stir well, add a little boiling water and simmer for a while, dry it up.

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