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How to Make Shredded Celery Stir Fry

How to Make Shredded Celery Stir Fry

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Shredded Celery Stir Fry
Shredded celery is relatively simple to make, and I'm sure many of you will be able to make it, as a home-cooked dish that certainly has its home cooking.There is also a variation of shredded celery, and we need more shredded celery to make it more nutritious and complete.

How to make shredded pork with celery

Ingredients preparation celery moderate amount, beef moderate amount, carrots, asparagus, dried aromatic, salt, sugar, oyster sauce, chicken essence, Meiji fresh soy sauce moderate amount.
Method step 1. shred the tenderloin, slice it, add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce and mix well to marinate for 10 minutes.
2. Heat a moderate amount of oil in a pan, add the shredded meat and stir-fry until browned.
3. cut celery, carrots, asparagus and dried aromatics into shreds, add carrots to the bottom of the pan and stir-fry until soft.
4. then add the shredded eastern garlic and stir-fry for a few moments. when the red robe and bamboo shoots are almost cooked, add the celery and stir-fry until soft.
5. then add the dried aromatic stir-fry until cooked, add chicken seasoning, salt, sugar, a little soy sauce stir-fry well and mix well.

How to make shredded pork with fungus and celery

IngredientsPrepare 300g of hairy fungus, 200g of parsley, 150g of concealed meat, garlic, and a little chopped pepper.
Step 1: Soak the fungus in advance, remove the leaves from the celery and cut the stems, shred the fungus and slice the garlic for use.
2. add salt, soy sauce and pepper to the shredded concealed meat for 10 minutes.
3. Heat the oil in a pan, stir-fry the garlic and meat, then stir-fry the fungus.
4. Add celery and stir-fry, add salt, soy sauce, chopped pepper and stir-fry evenly to serve.

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