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How to make hand-held lamb

How to make hand-held lamb

Oct 27,2022
How to make hand-held lamb
In recent years, hand grubbing has become very popular, what with hand grubbing, hand grubbing rice, hand grubbing lamb, etc.Some foods are hand grabbed to not only enhance the pleasure of eating them, but also as a specialty.But if someone has to say that they have to eat everything by hand, then I just want to take them to a hot pot.

Nutrition of home-made hand-held lamb

Mutton is warm in nature, can evenly supplement the cold body, warm the qi and blood, appetite, help Yang Yuan, and contains less fat and cholesterol.Mutton is a good ingredient to keep warm in winter, but should be eaten sparingly when the climate is hot, and patients with inflammation and fever should also eat mutton with caution.

Authentic way to prepare hand-held lamb

IngredientsPrepare 1000g of boned lamb, cilantro, green onions, minced garlic, shredded ginger, Chinese herbs, peppercorns, cinnamon, pepper, wine, monosodium glutamate, salt, chili oil.
Method steps 1. cut the lamb into large pieces, wash, and wash and cut the green onion and cilantro.
2. Mix minced garlic, green onion, cilantro, soy sauce, pepper, MSG, sesame oil and chili oil into a dipping sauce and set aside.
3. Put the lamb in a pot, add water, bring to a boil, skim the foam and wash it off.
4. clean the pot, add a sufficient amount of water, add the lamb, peppercorns, cinnamon, scallions, Chinese herbs, ginger, Shaozhou wine and salt.
5. Boil and cover the pot, cook over low heat until the meat is rotten, serve and dip in the sauce.

How to Make Simple Hand-Caught Lamb

Prepare the lamb rib chops, 70 grams of green onion, 25 grams of ginger, garnish, one piece of aromatic leaves, 1 dahurica, 2 grams of angelica, 1 gram of nutmeg, 2 grams of cloves, 1 slice of astragalus, cumin.Pepper .Clove .Astragalus.Chen Pi.Dried chillies.Yellow wine.Salt.Garlic.Soy sauce.Cooking oil.Sesame oil.Clear water.Scallions.Small rice pepper.Cumin in appropriate quantity.
Step 1: Put all the spices into a spice box, cut the green onion, slice the ginger, cut the chilli into rings, chop the garlic partly and pound it into a garlic paste.
2. garlic paste with cool boiling water into garlic sauce, lamb chops cut open, cut off and wash, blanch for 5 minutes.
3. put sufficient water in a clean pot, add lamb chops, onion, ginger and chilli, add yellow wine and boil.
4. then turn the heat to medium and cook for about 1 hour, add the spice box and the peel and cook for 15 minutes.
5. remove the spice box and add the right amount of salt and cook for about 40 minutes, when the meat is rotten and the soup is thick, remove from the pot.
6. another wok, stir into the oil and sesame oil, stir into the minced garlic stir-fry yellow after the red pepper rings, cumin, shallots bursting, pour in the soy sauce thickening.
7. Finally, the burned juice on the other lamb chops, eat when dipped in some garlic sauce.

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