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Making Vegetable and Fruit Salad

Making Vegetable and Fruit Salad

Oct 27,2022
Making Vegetable and Fruit Salad
Many vegetables and fruits can be eaten raw, which has led to the emergence of vegetable and fruit salad, which is mostly raw ingredients, and a few ingredients can be boiled.It's easy to make and easy to eat in summer, so let's see how to make vegetable and fruit salad.

Vegetable and fruit salad

Ingredients Prepare mixed seasonal vegetables, fruit radish 100g, pineapple 100g, tomato 1, pine nuts 20g, breadcrumbs appropriate amount, sour cream 40g, olive oil 25g, onion 30g, lemon juice 5g, salt 2g, basil leaves 3g.
Method Step 1. Wash the vegetables and control the water, slice the fruit radish, pineapple and tomatoes and set aside.
2. salad dressing, grate the onion, add salt, olive oil, pepper, lemon juice and toss well.
3. Chop the basil leaves, add to the dressing and mix well.
4. Place all the vegetables and fruits in a large bowl, pour over the dressing and mix well.
5. Microwave the pine nuts for 1 minute, sprinkle over the salad, then sprinkle some breadcrumbs and grated cheese to serve.

Homemade Vegetable and Fruit Salad

IngredientsPrepare the right amount of lettuce, 1 apple, the right amount of sage fruit, a little cucumber, the right amount of thousand island dressing, the right amount of corn kernels, the right amount of salad dressing.
Step 1: Cut the apple and cucumber into pieces, cut the sainfoin in half, and blanch the corn kernels for use.
2. spread the lettuce evenly in the bottom of the bowl, then add half of the saints and apples.
3. add half of the diced cucumber and corn kernels, mix the remaining ingredients well and then pour into the bowl.
4. Squeeze in the appropriate amount of salsa and Thousand Island dressing, mix well and serve.

Extra Vegetable and Fruit Salad

IngredientsPrepare half of broccoli, cabbage, 1 mango, 1 egg, 100g of corn kernels, salad dressing, water and oil.
Method steps 1. boil hot water in a pot, add cooking oil, break open the broccoli into the pot, put in the egg and cook.
2. wash and tear cabbage into slices, broccoli and eggs cooked and cooled.
3. cook the corn and take the kernels, peel the mangoes and cut them into square knives constantly.
4. then several ingredients will be arranged on a plate can be.

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