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The principle of noise-cancelling headphones

The principle of noise-cancelling headphones

Oct 27,2022
The principle of noise-cancelling headphones
If you're interested in noise-cancelling headphones during the week, chances are you're trying to block out the roar of a jet engine or the murmur of a water-cooling unit.Great noise-cancelling headphones will not only keep you from hearing the noise of the world around you, but they will also allow you to indulge in your favorite music.So what is the principle of noise-cancelling headphones?What are the recommended brands of noise-cancelling headphones?Let's find out next.

Noise-canceling headphone brands

1. Magic Sound Inspiration
Like all Magic Sound headphones, the Inspiration's unique design will be charming to some and menacing to others.Weighing about 12 ounces (about 340 grams), the Inspiration is one of the heaviest headphones in our test, and worse, it won't fit securely on your head.And being from Magic Sound, the Inspiration also has a bit too much bass, but overall it's not bad and gets a passing grade for noise cancellation.
2. Sennheiser PXC-450
The PXC-450S looks like a Bose semi-iconic.boring silver design.When tested for battery life, it lasted just short of 4 hours of music playback and 4 hours of no music time much shorter than all the others in the test.And the noise-cancelling electronics in its ear cups will scratch your ears unless you wear these headphones just right.We usually like Sennheiser products, but the PXC-450 was a bit disappointing.
3. Polk UltraFocus 8000
Polk is a legendary speaker company, and this is its first foray into headphones, so you could probably forgive their engineers for making a few mistakes.But this UltraFocus8000S sounds beautiful, and the sound is clear and balanced across all audio bands.The UltraFocus8000 weighs almost a pound (about 454 grams), which is a little too heavy.

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