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How to Make Five Spice Mackerel

How to Make Five Spice Mackerel

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Five Spice Mackerel
Mackerel meat is tender and white.Sticky, soft and fresh.Five spice mackerel is easy to make, and it is suitable for both cold and hot meals.Five spice mackerel color, red, rich flavor, is a meal.Accompanying wine delicacies.The main ingredients for making five spice mackerel are mackerel.Five spice noodles.Large onion.Sliced ginger.Vegetable oil.Soy sauce.White sugar.Pepper oil, etc.Here are the details on how to make Five Spice Mackerel!

How to make homemade five spice mackerel

Ingredients prepare mackerel meat 400 g, 20 g onion, 15 g ginger, salad oil 35 g, refined salt.Oyster sauce.Sugar 3g each, soy sauce 5g, chicken powder .2g each of five spice powder, 8g of Shaojiang wine, 6g of black bean sauce.
Method Step 1. Wash the mackerel meat, cut into pieces and marinate in Shaojiang wine for 10 minutes.Peel and wash the onion, cut into sections.Peel and wash ginger, cut into pieces and set aside.
2. Heat a pot, pour eight salad oil, add shallots, ginger and choke, season with soy sauce.Oyster sauce.Sugar, pour in the mackerel meat cooking a few times, add water and boil for use.
3. casserole on the fire, pour in the mackerel, season with salt.Chicken powder, five spice powder, low heat boiling system for 25 minutes, mix in the black bean sauce, serve in a bowl to eat.
Tips 1. Spanish mackerel meat should be cooked for a while to make it colorful, salted vegetables not only beautiful color, but also better taste.
2. This casserole dish is suitable for all seasons, for the spleen and stomach cold, indigestion.It is good for people with a weak spleen and stomach, poor digestion, lack of qi and blood.It is a good remedy for people who have edema.

How to make five spice mackerel

Ingredients prepare mackerel 500g, peanut oil.Stock.Chinese cooking wine.Five spice powder.Sesame oil.White sugar.Shallots.Ginger.Salt.MSG each appropriate amount.
Method steps 1. mackerel cut diagonally into thick pieces, such as frying pan fry until golden brown and then remove the oil drain.
2. Pour peanut oil in the pot, heat and add sugar and fry until red, then pour in the stock.Chinese cooking wine .Salt .MSG and mackerel.
3. simmer slowly over low heat, wait until the soup is exhausted, sprinkle with five spice powder, turn upside down and evenly, drizzle sesame oil can be served.
Tips 1. Spanish mackerel meat is delicate.Tasty.Nutritious, rich in protein.Vitamin A. Minerals (mainly calcium) and other nutrients.
2. Spanish mackerel has a tonic.The effect of calm asthma, weakness.People with cough and asthma can often eat.
3. Spanish mackerel has a refreshing.Delay the effectiveness of aging, for anemia.neurasthenia.Malnutrition.The Spanish mackerel is a very good food for people with postpartum weakness.
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