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Air Conditioning Repair

Air Conditioning Repair

Oct 27,2022
Air Conditioning Repair
How to do when the air conditioner is faulty?Don't be anxious first, and don't be too busy to find a master to help repair, also is just a line of simple glitches, you don't have to go spend those wasted money yo, the next small part is to help you to analyze a wave, why the air conditioner will fail, below, come follow the small part to see it.

air conditioning repair

1. The air conditioner is not cooling.It may be due to insufficient refrigerant, you need to add new Freon refrigerant.It may also be because the four-way valve is stringing air, or the one-way valve is leaking air, or it may be because the frost controller is out of order.
2. The air conditioner has not been cleaned in time after long use, causing blockage of the filter.
3. Power supply failure, or the voltage is too low, will cause the air conditioner can not be used, may also be because of poor power contact.
4. Poor contact with the main control switch and loose set screws between the fan's motor and air blade will cause the fan to fail to operate.
5. Loose or dislodged set screws or compressor piping touching each other will make a lot of noise.
If the above you have checked no problem, but the air conditioner is still malfunctioning, then you should ask a professional master to help, after all, the profession has a specialty, how to mountain across the line.It must be the problem of the air conditioner and not your problem, yo.

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