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How to Make Meatball Soup

How to Make Meatball Soup

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Meatball Soup
Meatball soup is a very popular soup, there are many ways to make meatball soup, all kinds of meat can be used to make meatball soup, of course, you can also use tofu.Carrots and other veggies can be used to make croquettes.This article will introduce you to a variety of ways to make meatball soup, and I'm sure there's one you'll like.

How to Make Cabbage Vermicelli Meatball Soup

Ingredients Prepare 100g of pork, 500g of cabbage, 50g of fine vermicelli, egg white .Cooking wine.Minced onion.Minced ginger.Stock.Black pepper.Monosodium glutamate.Cooking oil.Salt each appropriate amount.
Method Step 1. Wash and cut the cabbage, stir-fry slightly in a hot frying pan and serve, chop the pork into a meat mixture.
2. the meat with the appropriate amount of minced onion.Minced ginger.Egg white.Salt.MSG stir well, squeeze into small balls with your hands and blanch them in a pot of boiling water to remove.
3. Place the soup pot on the fire, put in the stock and salt.MSG.Chinese cooking wine.Black pepper powder, boil the pot and then add the balls.Small cabbage and thin vermicelli, soup can be boiled.

How to make yam balls soup

IngredientsPrepare 20g yam, 100g tofu, sweet potato flour, and a tsp of salt.
Step 1: Wrap the tofu tightly in gauze and squeeze out the water; peel the yam, wash and grind it into a puree, add the tofu to the yam puree and mix well in the same direction.
2. Take the yam and tofu paste in Method 1, knead into balls, cover with sweet potato flour, deep fry in hot oil until golden brown, remove from the pan, that is, tofu balls.
Add the tofu balls to the pot and bring to a boil. Bring tofu balls to a boil over medium heat, then turn down the heat and cook for 5 minutes.

How to make sauerkraut balls soup

Ingredients Prepare 400g sauerkraut, 100g tofu dregs, 50g minced pork, tofu slices.Egg white.Garlic cloves, a few cilantro leaves, salt.Chicken essence.Cooking wine.Pepper powder each appropriate amount.
Method Step 1. Wash the sauerkraut and cut it into fine shreds; in the tofu dregs.Pork mince add salt .Chicken seasoning .Chinese cooking wine.Egg white.Pepper, mix well and make balls.
2. A pot with water boiling, into the balls boil until cooked.
3. pot on the fire, pour a small amount of oil to heat, add garlic cloves fried, stir-fry into the sauerkraut, add water to boil, put in the tofu balls.Tofu slices simmered together to taste, add salt to taste, sprinkle cilantro leaves can be.

How to make tofu ball soup

IngredientsPrepare 300g of tofu, 150g of cabbage, 1 egg, green onion.Pepper.Starch.Broth.Salt each appropriate amount.
Step 1: Remove the old leaves from the cabbage, wash it, cut it into 4 pieces, blanch it in a pot of boiling water and drain it.
2. Cut off the old skin on all sides of the tofu, chop into a paste, wrap in gauze, squeeze out the water, add pepper.Salt.Starch.Egg white stir evenly into tofu grits, then squeeze into balls, put into a pot of boiling water and cook, fish out.
3. Place the pot on a high fire, add the broth and bring to a boil, then add the cabbage hearts.Cook the bean curd balls until cooked through.
Sprinkle with scallions and serve in soup bowls.
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