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How to Make Pork Trotters Soup

How to Make Pork Trotters Soup

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Pork Trotters Soup
Pig's trotters soup is a nourishing soup made in every household. The soft skin of the pig is delicious and nutritious, and it keeps the skin elastic.There are many ways to make pig's trotters soup, you can put seaweed in the soup.Soybeans.Lotus root.Red dates.Yam and so on, the taste is rich.

How to make yam and red dates pig's feet soup

Ingredients Prepare 400 grams of pig's feet, 200 grams of yam, 20 grams of red dates, white vinegar .10 ml each of cooking wine, 2 g of salt, 2 g of chicken powder, 20 g of ginger pieces.
Method Step 1. Wash yam, peel, cut into pieces, put into water and set aside; wash red dates.
2. Wash the pig's feet, chop the pieces, boil away the blood and water, fish out and set aside.
3. Take a casserole, pour in an appropriate amount of water, boil until boiling, add red dates.Pig's trotters.Ginger pieces, drizzle into the appropriate amount of wine, stew for 30 minutes over low heat.
4. Add the chopped yam, stir well, stew for 20 minutes over low heat, add the right amount of salt.Chicken powder, stir well until tasty.

How to make lotus root and radish pig's trotters soup

IngredientsPrepare 1 pig's trotters, 200g white radish, 100g lotus root, 25g red dates, 10g Chinese wolfberries, 25g ginger, 2 tsp refined salt, 1 tbsp cooking wine, and a pinch of pepper.
Method Step 1. Rinse the pig's trotters with running water to remove blood, then soak in water for 10 minutes, remove the trotters and chop into large pieces; wash the red dates and remove the nuclei; wash the wolfberries; peel the ginger block and cut into slices.
2. Remove the roots of white radish, wash, peel off the outer skin, cut into large pieces, blanch in a pot of boiling water to remove the spicy taste of the radish, and fish out.Remove the lotus root, peel off the skin, wash, and cut into small pieces.
3. Place a clean pot on the fire and add cold water.Boil the pig's trotters and blanch them for 5 minutes with a little ginger, then fish out the pig's trotters and wash with water to remove the foam and drain the water.
4. Place the sand pot on the fire, first low heat, add water.Chinese cooking wine, add the pig's trotters.Ginger, boil over high heat, skim off the surface of the soup foam, cover, and then switch to low heat stew for about 1 hour.
5. Then put in lotus root pieces.Turnip pieces.Red dates.Wolfberry, continue to stew for 1 hour on low heat, and finally add salt.Pepper to adjust the taste that is ready.

The practice of cucumber pig's feet soup

Ingredients prepare pig's feet 750 grams, cucumber 200 grams, wolfberry 25 grams, 15 grams of ginger, the amount of salt.
Method step 1. rinse the pig's feet with running water to remove the blood, and then put into water for 10 minutes, take out the pig's feet, chopped into large pieces, put into a pot of boiling water and blanch for 5 minutes, fish out the pig's feet, wash off the foam.
2. Remove the roots of the cucumber (without peeling), wash, and cut into 5 cm-sized pieces; soak the wolfberries in water and wash.
3. Put the ginger slices.Pig's feet .Put the water into the soup pot and cook for about 2 hours.Then add the cucumber .Chinese wolfberry.Salt and continue to cook for 30 minutes, out of the pot in a bowl.
Tip: If the pig's trotters purchased at home are stuck with some dirt, it is difficult to wash them directly with tap water.You can soak the pig's feet in rice water for a few minutes before cleaning, fish out and then brush clean with water, the dirt will be easy to remove.
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