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How to Make Deep-fried River Prawns

How to Make Deep-fried River Prawns

Oct 27,2022
How to Make Deep-fried River Prawns
Deep-fried river prawns are beautifully colored, tender and tasty.Oil Fried River Prawns is relatively simple to make, and you can choose the home made method of oil fried river prawns at home.Deep-fried river prawns require a quick, hot pan.Oil should be hot .Speed to be fast, in order to make the river shrimp skin crispy and tender.Juicy and tasty.

How to make spicy fried river prawns

Ingredients Prepare 10 river prawns (about 500g).Minced onion.Minced ginger.5g each minced garlic, salt.1/2 tsp each of monosodium glutamate, 1 tsp each of soy sauce, 3 tbsp each of rice vinegar.3 tbsp each water starch, 1/2 tbsp cooking wine, 800g vegetable oil (about 80g).
Method Step 1: Remove the sand and threads from the back of the prawns, wash, drain and cut into small pieces, add a pinch of salt.MSG.Chinese cooking wine.Water starch mix well, then fry in 80% hot oil until golden brown, remove from the oil and drain.
2. In a small bowl, add a pinch of salt.MSG.Chinese cooking wine.Soy sauce.Mix well with water to form a flavor sauce.
3. Heat the oil in the pot, first add the minced onion.Minced ginger.Garlic stir-fry, then cook rice vinegar, add shrimp, pour in the flavor sauce and stir-fry until tasty, you can pan and plate.

Home cooking method of fried river prawns in oil

Ingredients Prepare 500g of river prawns, 50g of dried red pepper, chopped green onion.Shredded ginger.5g each pepper, 1/2 tbsp salt, 1 tsp monosodium glutamate, 2 tbsp cooking wine, 3 tbsp hot and spicy oil, vegetable oil.
Method Step 1: Wash the prawns, slash them on the back and pick out the sand lines, then add a pinch of salt.Monosodium glutamate.Chinese cooking wine.Chopped green onion.Ginger marinade for 30 minutes.
2. Add vegetable oil in a pot and heat to 80%, put the river shrimp fried until the skin is crispy and tender, take out and drain the oil.
3. Clean pot on the fire, add spicy oil and heat, add red dry pepper.Pepper.River prawns stir-fried evenly, you can take out of the pot and plate.

How to make fried river prawns in oil

Ingredients Prepare 200 grams of fresh river shrimp, 20 grams of leek flowers, 5 grams of ginger, 5 grams of garlic, 300 ml of cooking oil (15 ml of oil).Salt 6g, MSG 2g, sesame oil 1ml, cooking wine 2ml, black pepper powder to taste.
Method Step 1. Wash fresh river prawns by removing the prawn spear.Leek flowers washed and cut, ginger peeled and diced, garlic diced.
2. pan under the cooking oil, wait for the oil temperature of 100 ℃, into the river prawns, fried until the outside is crisp and tender, pour out for use.
3. pot of oil, put in the ginger grain.Garlic.Chives stir-fry for a moment, add the river shrimp, season with salt.Season with salt, monosodium glutamate.Black pepper, season with wine, stir-fry over medium heat until tasty, drizzle with sesame oil.
Tips for the elderly.Pregnant women.Cardiovascular disease patients.Kidney deficiency and impotence.Male infertility.Suitable for people with weakness in the back and feet; also suitable for the middle-aged and elderly people with calf cramps due to calcium deficiency.
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