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How to do a sudden blue screen on a computer

How to do a sudden blue screen on a computer

Oct 27,2022
How to do a sudden blue screen on a computer
The computer blue screen is a relatively common problem that we tend to encounter, and there are many reasons for the computer blue screen, such as problems with the memory stick.The hard drive is bad.Software conflicts and so on.So how do you suddenly blue screen your computer?Let's take a look at it next.

The computer suddenly blue screen how to do: check whether the computer memory stick failure

desktop computer
If the computer in the beginning of the use of a good, but to a certain day after the installation of a certain software soon after the computer frequently blue screen failure, most of this problem is due to software incompatibility, but this computer software incompatibility is generally rare.
If you are sure that before the computer started to use a good, after the installation of a software often appear computer blue screen failure, then you can use uninstall the software installed later to try, if the problem is generally incompatible with the software caused by the computer blue screen, if the problem is not solved may be other reasons for the computer blue screen.

The computer suddenly blue screen how to do: check whether the computer hard drive has a bad channel

desktop computer
Hard disk problems often lead to computer blue screen, such as hard disk bad channel, the computer reads data errors lead to the blue screen phenomenon, because the hard disk and memory, like carrying some data access operations, if access / read the system files in the area where the bad channel, will also cause the system can not operate normally, resulting in system crashes, resulting in computer blue screen.
Test the hard drive for bad sectors, if the hard drive has a large number of bad sectors, it is recommended to backup the data and replace the hard drive.If there are relatively few bad channels, it is recommended to backup data, reformat the partitioned disk, know computer hard disk friends can also be bad hard disk area for isolation operations.After that, reinstall the system to solve the problem.

Computer suddenly blue screen how to do: check whether the computer hardware is overclocked

desktop computer
You can get a soft.Hard two aspects to explain the causes of the blue screen phenomenon.From the hardware side, overclocking is one of the main causes of the blue screen.Overclocking, due to the overloaded computing, causes too much internal computing and makes the cpu overheat, which leads to system computing errors.
If you want to overclock but don't want to have a blue screen, the only way is to do a good job of cooling measures, change a powerful fan and add some silicone and other cooling materials will be much better.In addition, moderate overclocking or simply not overclocking is also one of the solutions.It's up to you to decide whether you want stability or higher speeds.However, for most of you, you don't usually overclock, so this is not practical for most of you.

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