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How to cook dried sea cucumbers

How to cook dried sea cucumbers

Oct 27,2022
How to cook dried sea cucumbers
Dried sea cucumbers are soaked for a long time before cooking, this usually takes 1 to 3 days process.So before we look at how to cook dried sea cucumber, let's take a look at the soaking process of dried sea cucumber and then try the common way to cook dried sea cucumber.

A complete list of how to make dried sea cucumber: home cooking

IngredientsPrepare the right amount of rice, a little sea cucumber, the right amount of green vegetables, shrimp skin, a little carrot, the right amount of eggs.
Method step 1. smear a little oil in a frying pan, beat the eggs into the pan, spread them into pancakes over medium-low heat, remove from the pan and cut into shreds.
2. Add the right amount of water to the pot and bring it to a boil, pour in the rice, stir it up and cook for 2 minutes on medium heat.
3. Then add sea cucumber, carrot, chopped bok choy, cook for 3 minutes, add shrimp skin, chopped bok choy, cook for 1 minute, add a little flavor, salt, sesame oil to taste, sprinkle some shredded egg after serving.

Dried Sea Cucumber Preparation: Sea Cucumber Soaking

Dried Sea Cucumber
IngredientsPrepare 2 sea cucumbers, appropriate amount of onion and ginger, soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, salt, stock and water starch.
Step 1: Wash the sea cucumber, add ginger juice and cook for 5 minutes, then wash it with water, cut the green onion and ginger slices.
2. Add a little olive oil and salad oil to the pot, and when it is 40% hot, add the shallots and fry them until they are golden brown.
3. In a separate pot, add shallots, ginger, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar and sea cucumber to the stock.
4. boil on high heat and then simmer on low heat for 2 minutes, control the sea cucumber to dry, start the pot and heat it up, add a little oil and simmer sugar to make sugar color.
5. then add the fried shallots, stock, salt, sea cucumber and soy sauce, bring to a boil over high heat and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes.
6. Then add water starch to reduce the juice, drizzle with green onion oil and serve.

Dried Sea Cucumber: Steamed Egg with Sea Cucumber

IngredientsPrepare the right amount of eggs, a little sea cucumber, green onion, soy sauce, sesame oil, a little water.
Method Step 1. Add the right amount of water to the egg mixture and stir well, soak the sea cucumber in advance.
2. strain the egg mixture into a container, chop half of the sea cucumber into it, cover with film and steam for 8 minutes on low heat.
3. Then put the remaining sea cucumber on the surface, then steam for 3 minutes, come out and sprinkle some chopped green onion and soya sauce.

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