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How to make scones

How to make scones

Oct 27,2022
How to make scones
There are many different kinds of scones, both difficult and easy, depending on what kind of scones you are coming up with.If you don't even know how to make the most basic version yet, then it's time to learn how to make this line of scones.

Five Spice Lasagna

IngredientsPrepare 200g flour, 2g salt, cooked sesame seeds, 60g peanut butter, water, a little lightly salted water, 2.5g yeast, 110g water.
Method step 1. Mix flour, yeast and salt and stir well, add water and knead well, cover with plastic wrap and ferment for 20 minutes.
2. Add salt and water to the peanut butter, stir into a paste, sprinkle the board with dry flour and roll the dough into a thin rectangle.
3. spread evenly with peanut butter, then roll up one end of the onion and cut into 8 sections, then pinch each section tightly at the opening.
4. leave to rest for 15 minutes, then flatten slightly into patties, brush with salted water, dip in sesame seeds and place in a baking tray.
Bake in a medium oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
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IngredientsPrepare 300g of medium flour, 180ml of warm water, moderate amount of yeast, moderate amount of corn oil, a pinch of salt.
Method Step 1. Dissolve yeast in warm water, pour in flour and form a smooth dough.
2. cover with film and ferment until double in size, knead well and roll out into a rectangle, brush with a layer of oil.
3. dust with five-spice powder, sprinkle with salt, fold in half and roll into a circle.
4. Place in an electric pancake pan and cook until golden brown on both sides.

How to make scones

IngredientsPrepare medium flour, 15g milk powder, 3g yeast, 30g water, 120g fresh milk, 15g sugar, salad oil, salt, lard, bean paste filling, sugar, hot water, white sesame seeds.
Method steps 1. half a catty of flour, 15 grams of milk powder sieved, 3 grams of yeast, 30 grams of water, yeast melted in water for use.
2. mix the flour, yeast water, milk powder, milk, sugar, oil, salt and lard into a smooth dough and leave it to rest for 1 hour.
3. knead out the air, divide into small portions, flatten and add the bean paste filling and flatten.
4. brush the top of the cake with sugar water, dip it in sesame seeds, let it rest for 15 minutes and arrange it on a baking tray.
5. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees on medium level for 15 minutes.

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