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Stir Fried Lettuce

Stir Fried Lettuce

Oct 27,2022
Stir Fried Lettuce
Some lettuce is also called romaine lettuce and we mainly eat the stems and leaves of the lettuce, which is usually referred to as just the leaves.There are many ways to stir-fry romaine lettuce, either vegetarian or of course with many meats, which is the main category of many stir-fry lettuce practices.

Fried Lettuce with Eggs

Ingredients preparation lettuce 400 grams, 2 eggs, black fungus moderate amount, onion and ginger 10 grams, a little salt, oil moderate amount, MSG 1 gram.
Method Step 1. thinly sliced lettuce, onion cut flowers, ginger cut small slices for use.
2. a little oil in the pan to heat, eggs with water poured into the scrambled Shengqi.
3. the remaining oil in the pan burnt onion and ginger, then pour into the lettuce stir-fry evenly, stir-fried fungus.
4. then pour in the eggs and a little MSG to taste.

Tomato Stir-fry Lettuce

Ingredients prepared lettuce 1, 2 tomatoes, a little ginger, a little salt, red pepper moderate, a little MSG, onion moderate.
Method steps 1. lettuce peeled and washed, the tomatoes washed and sliced for use.
2. lettuce with salt marinade for half an hour, ginger shredded, green onions and peppers to be used.
3. Heat a little oil in a pot, add chili, ginger, green onion and burst into flames over low heat.
4. then add the lettuce and stir-fry, stir-fry until the lettuce is browned and half cooked, then pour in the tomatoes and stir-fry for 1 minute.
5. Add a little salt, cover the pan and simmer for a few minutes, uncover the pan and add MSG, stir-fry well to remove from the pan.

fried lettuce

Ingredients preparation lettuce lettuce moderate amount, red pepper 2, garlic 3 cloves, cooking wine 2 a little, starch moderate amount, ginger, soy sauce, salt, tenderloin moderate amount.
Method steps 1. lettuce, garlic peeled and washed, lettuce slices, onion ginger garlic cut, red pepper slices.
2. wash and slice the tenderloin, add wine, soy sauce, starch and a little oil, salt and mix well for 10 minutes.
3. Heat a little oil in a pan, stir-fry the lettuce until it breaks.
4. Heat a moderate amount of oil in a pan, add ginger, garlic and stir fry, then add the marinated meat and stir-fry evenly.
5. After the meat is browned, add the chili peppers and stir-fry, stir-fry well after breaking, add salt to taste and serve.

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