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Lotus Root and Job's Tears Pork Rib Soup

Lotus Root and Job's Tears Pork Rib Soup

Oct 27,2022
Lotus Root and Job's Tears Pork Rib Soup
Rib soup is probably one of the most common types of our national soups, and there are more types of rib soup with various ingredients, such as winter melon, seaweed, corn, lotus root, etc. Here we will see how to make lotus root and barley rib soup.

Nutrition of lotus root and barley pork ribs soup

Lotus root has the function of preventing anemia, strengthening stomach mucosa and improving intestine and stomach.Barley is high in protein and rich in vitamins, which can fight cancer and prevent cancer, promote metabolism, strengthen the spleen and stomach, whiten skin.Spare ribs are rich in protein, collagen and calcium, which can promote bone development and improve physical fitness.

Home-made Lotus Root and Barley Pork Rib Soup

Ingredients preparation Huai Shan 15 grams, barley 10 grams, gravy 10 grams, red dates appropriate amount, lotus root 1 section, ribs 1 pound.
Method Step 1. wash the ribs in a pot, add water, onion, ginger and cooking wine.
2. boil and skim off the foam, then add gravy, barley and yam.
3. stew on low heat for 1 hour, then add lotus root, carrot and red dates and stew for half an hour.
4. Finally, add the right amount of salt to taste to serve.

Lotus root and barley pork ribs soup

Ingredients prepare ribs, lotus root 2 kg, barley 1 large, pepper, cooking wine, ginger.
Method steps 1. soak barley in warm water for a few hours, boil water in a pot and blanch the ribs.
2. in another pot, put ginger, ribs, barley, lotus root, pepper and cooking wine.
3. boil on high heat and turn to low heat, boil for 3 hours, finally add salt to taste.

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