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Strawberry Salad

Strawberry Salad

Oct 27,2022
Strawberry Salad
Fruit salad, vegetable salad, etc. are relatively easy and quick to make, and they are cool and pleasant to eat in summer, plus the nutrition is preserved and the mix and match will be more comprehensive, so it is very good to make some salad when you have nothing to do, here we will make fruit salad.

Home made strawberry salad

IngredientsPrepare 125g strawberries, cheese, mint leaves, parsley, pepper, ham, vinegar, raspberries, olive oil, black currants.
Step 1: Finely chop the mint leaves, chop the parsley, cut the strawberries into small pieces, thinly slice the cheese and slice the ham.
2. pour the black currants, raspberries and white vinegar into a saucepan, cook over high heat until boiling, mash, strain and add the olive oil.
3. then mix the ingredients and the finished salad dressing well, add the salad roughly, sprinkle with pepper, season with salt and toss well.

Yogurt Strawberry Salad

Ingredients Prepare yogurt, 1 orange, 4 strawberries, 1 apple, pear, 2 kiwi, bitter chrysanthemum.
Method Step 1. Rinse the strawberries and bitter chrysanthemum under running water and soak them in salt for a few minutes.
2. peel and dice the apples, soak them in lightly salted water, peel and dice the kiwis and oranges, and pears.
3. Cut the strawberries and bitter chrysanthemums, put the bitter chrysanthemums on the bottom, then arrange the various fruits and pour in the yogurt.

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